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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 11/12/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 11/12/2012)
PlaceOfPublication Sp. P1. 508. 1753.
Synonym Echtrus Lour. Fl. Cochinch. 1:344. 1790.
Description Herbs or rarely shrubs, usually glaucous and 'armed with prickles, the juice or sap yellowish; leaves alternate, sessile, pinnatifid to repand-lobate, the lobes spinulose-dentate and rigidly spined terminally; flowers large, solitary, terminal, or terminal on short axillary branches and thus appearing somewhat racemose or cymose, usually yellow or cream, rarely in some species red or purple; buds erect; sepals 2 or 3, usually bearing prickles, early caducous; petals 4-6, large and showy; stamens many; ovary ovoid to obovoid, many-ovulate, with 3-6 parietal placentae, usually armed; style short; stigma depressed, the lobes radiating from the center; capsule usually oblong, spiny, opening by 3-6 valves at the top; seeds crested, scrobiculate.
Habit Herbs shrubs
Distribution Temperate, subtropical, and to a lesser extent tropical regions of the New World; naturalized in Old World.
Note A "typical" genus of the family. A single species occurs in Panama.
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