Perennial herbs or subshrubs from a xylopodium, unarmed, terrestrial, with raphides in the tissues. Leaves opposite or in verticils of 3, sessile or petiolate, entire, with higher-order venation not lineolate, without domatia; stipules interpetiolar, subulate to setose or reduced to obsolete, generally valvate to imbricated in bud, persistent. Inflorescences axillary and/or terminal, cymose with axes dichotomous or often scorpioid, multiflowered, pedunculate, bracteate. Flowers sessile or subsessile, bisexual, usually distylous, apparently diurnal, rather smalll.; hypanthium ellipsoid to laterally flattened; calyx limb lobed, lobes (2)4, without calycophylls; corolla salverform, blue, purple, or white, internally sericeous in upper part of tube, lobes 4, triangular, valvate in bud, generally without appendages; stamens 4, inserted in upper part of corolla tube, anthers narrowly oblong, dorsifixed below middle, opening by longitudinal slits, without appendages, included or exserted; ovary 2-locular, with ovules 1 per locule, basal; stigmas 2, included or exserted. Fruit schizocarpous, didymous, leathery, strongly compressed perpendicularly to the septum, with calyx limb persistent, without persistent septum; mericarps 2, orbicular, indehiscent; seeds small, compressed, lenticular.