Annual to perennial, glabrous herbs with solitary to branched stems. Leaves in rosettes and cauline, entire to pinnatifid, upper leaves usually reduced and amplexicaul. Capitula homogamous, many-flowered, solitary, on apically dilated or thickened peduncles. Involucre usually campanulate. Phyllaries 3-5-seriate, with well-marked scarious margins, inner ones longer than outer. Receptacle naked, ± alveolate. Ligules yellow, peripheral ones sometimes with grey, reddish or purplish stripes outside, occasionally purplish at the base. Anthers sagittate at the base. Cypselas brown, heteromorphic, 4-5-ribbed, ribs of outer ones tuberculate, transversely rugose , inner ones light brown, somewhat smooth, usually sterile. Pappus homomorphic, many-seriate, soft, cottony, hairs connate at base into ring and dehiscing on it.
A small, well-defined genus of c. 8 species (Mabberley, 2008), occurring mainly in Mediterranean countries, S. W., C. and S. Asia. Represented in Pakistan by the following species.