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Datos del Proyecto Nombre (Last Modified On 5/8/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 5/8/2013)
Genus Rhamnus L.
PlaceOfPublication Sp. PI. 193. 1753.
Description Trees or shrubs, rarely woody vines, mostly unarmed, deciduous, the buds scaly or naked. Leaves alternate, rarely opposite, pinnately-veined, entire or toothed, mostly petiolate. Inflorescences umbellate cymes, sometimes reduced to a single flower, sessile or pedunculate. Flowers bisexual or polygamo- dioecious, small, perigynous; floral tube cupulate to campanulate; calyx lobes 4-5, ovate to deltoid, deciduous separately or with the circumscissile upper part of the floral tube after anthesis; petals 4-5, shorter than the calyx-lobes, ovate to obovate, concave, hooded or flat, often clawed, the margin entire or bibbed apically, inserted at the margin of the floral tube; stamens 4-5, functional or sterile and rudimentary in carpellate flowers, about as long or longer than the petals, inserted at the upper margin of the floral tube; nectariferous disc lining the wall of the floral tube, sometimes thickened near its margin; ovary superior, 2-3-carpellate, + 2-3-locular, the ovules 2-3, the style simple or 2-3-lobed, the stigma 2-3-lobed. Fruit a drupe, subglobose, dark red to black, containing 2-3 pyrenes; seeds 2-3, lenticular or wedge-shaped.
Habit Trees or shrubs, rarely woody vines
Distribution A genus of about 150 species in the temperate and tropical regions of both hemispheres, but most abundant in eastern Asia and southwestern North America.
Reference Wolf, C. B. The North American Species of Rhamnus. Rancho Santa Ana Bot. Gard. Monogr., Bot. Ser. 1. 136 pp. 1938.
Key a. Umbels with a distinct peduncle ca. 1-2 cm long; leaves serrate ..... 1. R. pubescens aa. Umbels sessile; leaves entire ..... 2. R. capraeafolia
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