(Last Modified On 6/5/2013)
(Last Modified On 6/5/2013)
Neomirandea R. M. King & H. Robinson
Phytologia 19: 306. 1970.
TYPE: Eupatorium araliaefolium Less.
Small shrubs to small trees with few to many branches, growing in deep humus or epiphytic; stems and leaves usually somewhat fleshy. Leaves opposite or in whorls of 3, short- to long-petiolate; blades narrowly elliptical to orbicular, the bases cuneate to cordate, the margins entire to coarsely lobed and dentate. Inflores- cence broadly corymbose-paniculate. Heads with 2-28 florets; involucre of ca. 9-15 subimbricate to imbricate bracts, in 3-4 series, the outer bracts spreading at maturity, the inner bracts deciduous; receptacle flat to slightly convex, glabrous or sometimes short-puberulous; corolla tubular to narrowly funnelform with usually indistinct narrow tube, the lobes smooth, usually short (deeply cleft in four species), the outer surface with hairs or glands, the inner surface glabrous or with many hairs, the cells of the corolla usually subquadrate with straight walls, rarely with slightly sinuous walls; anther collar elongate with many quadrate or short- oblong cells in lower part, the cell walls without ornate thickenings, the exothecial cells mostly subquadrate or broader than long, the anther appendage ovate or oblong, longer than broad; style base glabrous, with or without promir, ent enlargement, the style appendages linear, smooth, scarcely broadened above, the tip rounded. Achenes prismatic with 5 ribs, glabrous or with few to many bristles; carpopodium short with subquadrate rather thin-walled cells in few to many series; pappus of 30-57 scarcely scabrous bristles, the apical cells shortly to sharply acute. Pollen with short spines.
shrubs to small trees
Neomirandea is a genus of approximately 24 species ranging from Mexico through Central America to Colombia and Ecuador in South America.
The greatest number of species is found in the area of Costa Rica and western Panama. The genus is divided into two basic groups. The typical subgenus is characterized by an enlarged style base, the carpopodium with small cells in many series, and the corolla often with hairs on the inner surface. The subgenus Critoniopsis is characterized by style bases not enlarged, the carpopodium with larger cells in few series, and the corolla always glabrous inside. Eleven species have been collected in Panama.
King, R. M. & H. Robinson. 1970. Studies in the Eupatorieae (Compositae). XXI. A new genus, Neomirandea. Phytologia 19: 304-310. King, R.M. & H. Robinson. 1972a. Studies in the Eupatorieae (Asteraceae). CI. New species of Fleischmannia and Neomirandea. Phytologia 24: 281-284. King, R.M. & H. Robinson. 1972b. Neomirandea allenii, a new epiphytic composite of the American rain forest. Rhodora 74: 272-275. King, R.M. & H. Robinson. 1973. Studies in the Eupatorieae (Asteraceae). CXVI. New species of Neomirandea. Phytologia 27: 245-251. King, R.M. & H. Robinson. 1975a. Studies in the Eupatorieae (Asteraceae). CXXXVI. Four new species of Neomirandea. Phytologia 29: 351-361. King, R.M. & H. Robinson. 1975b. Studies in the Eupatorieae (Asteraceae). CXXXVII. Two new species of Neomirandea. Phytologia 30: 9-14.
a. Leaf margins lobed or serrate, blades broadly ovate to deltoid or aceriform. b. Leaf blades strongly dentate to lobed; corolla without internal hairs 9. N. panamensis bb. Leaf blades ovate or broadly ovate, the margins serrate; corolla with internal hairs. c. Involucral bracts ovate; heads with mostly 15-20 florets; corolla tube half as long as the limb ...... 8. N. homogama cc. Involucral bracts oblong to elliptical; heads with mostly 5-12 florets; corolla tube usually shorter than limb ...... 11. N. standleyi aa. Leaf margins entire to remotely serrulate, blades ovate to oblong. d. Corolla with hairs inside; style node enlarged; florets white. e. Heads with 18-28 florets; corolla with lobes less than half again as long as wide ...... 2. N. araliaefolia ee. Heads with ca. 5 florets; corolla deeply cleft, lobes twice as long as wide ...... 10. N. pseudopsoralea dd. Corolla without hairs inside; style node not enlarged; florets lavender or purple. f. Outer involucral bracts orbicular, inner bracts prominently striate ...... 3. N. arthodes ff. Outer involucral bracts narrow, inner bracts not striate. g. Heads with 5 florets ...... 5. N. croatii gg. Heads with 8-10 florets. h. Leaves subsessile, the petioles 1-5 mm long; corolla with hairs or glands on outer surface. i. Leaf blades with remotely serrulate margins, the lower surface sparsely puberulous; petioles narrow ...... 7. N. gracilis ii. Leaf blades with entire margins, the lower surface without hairs; petioles greatly thickened ...... 1. N. allenii hh. Leaves distinctly petiolate, the petioles 5-12 mm long; corolla glabrous. j. Leaf tips blunt, rounded; corolla narrowly tubular with lobes ca. 1I/2 times as long as wide ...... 4. N. chiriquensis jj. Leaf tips sharply acuminate; corolla funnelform with lobes about as long as wide ...... 6. N. eximia
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