(Last Modified On 3/28/2013)
(Last Modified On 3/28/2013)
Homalium Jacquin
Enum. Syst. P1. Ins. Carib. 5, 24, 1760.
Trees or shrubs. Leaves usually alternate, petiolate, the stipules minute and caducous, rarely absent, the blade entire to usually serrate-crenate, the teeth glandular beneath, penninerved, without pellucid glands. Inflorescences axillary, racemose or paniculate. Flowers , sessile or pedicellate, the pedicels articulated, the bracts usually minute, caducous or + persistent; calyx tube (or receptacle?) turbinate, adnate to the base of the ovary; calyx lobes 5-8(-12), usually narrow, persistent or accrescent; petals isomerous with the calyx lobes, inserted in the throat of the calyx, alternating with the calyx lobes, persistent or accrescent; stamens epipetalous, isomerous with the petals or in fascicles of 2-8(or more), the filaments filiform, the anthers small, extrorse, dorsifixed, longitudinally dehiscent; disk represented by a gland opposite each sepal and alternating with the filaments or fascicles of filaments; ovary with the lower half adnate to the calyx tube (or half inferior?), 1-locular, the placentas parietal, 2-6(-8), each with (1-)2-7 ovules near the apex, the styles isomerous with the placentas, the stigmas simple or capitellate. Fruits capsular, half inferior, ? coriaceous, indehiscent or incompletely 2-8-valvate from the apex; seeds few or solitary, small, angulate, the testa crustace- ous; endosperm copious.
A large pantropical genus of over 200 species
All the neotropical species of Homalium belong to the subg. Myriantheia Warb. (stamens in fascicles) sect. Racoubea Aublet; at present, only one species is reported from Panama.
Blake, S. F., The genus Homalium in America. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 20: 221-235, 1919. Williams, L. O., Homalium Jacq., In Tropical American plants, II. Fieldiana: Bot. 29: 262-263, 1961.
Project Name