Annual, small, usually decumbent herbs, rarely erect or suberect, glabrous, rarely sparsely hairy with branched hairs. Leaves simple, distant, spathulate, elliptic or oblanceolate, pinnatifid to entire, usually glabrous, shortly stalked to sessile. Racemes few-many flowered, lax in fruit, ebracteate. Flowers very small, white; pedicel short, but conspicuously increasing in length in fruit, filiform, ± spreading. Sepals subspreading, minute, oblong, obtuse, with a whitish margin, not saccate at base. Petals obovate, cuneate below, about as long as the sepals. Stamens 6; filaments linear; anthers minute. Lateral nectar glands in pairs, very minute, dot-like; middle absent. Ovary ellipsoid or ovoid, many ovuled; stigma short, capitate, subsessile. Siliculae ellipsoid, laterally flattened, glabrous, not winged, bilocular, dehiscent; valves with a ± distinct midvein; septum narrowly elliptic, membranous, not veined; seeds several, minute, ellipsoid, pale brown; radicle incumbent.