2. Diodia L. (buttonweed)
Plants annual or
perennial herbs, sometimes woody at the base. Stems erect or ascending to
prostrate or loosely ascending form a spreading base, sometimes mat-forming,
usually 4-angled. Leaves opposite, subsessile, with interpetiolar stipules,
these generally truncate to broadly rounded at the tips, persisting with the
leaves, fused to the leaf bases on either side, membranaceous, bearing along
the margins 3–11 bristles, at least some of which are more than 3 mm long.
Inflorescences axillary, of solitary, sessile flowers or sessile, 2–4-flowered
clusters. Flowers homostylous, often subtended by small bracts. Calyces deeply
2- or 4-lobed, usually persistent at fruiting. Corollas 4-lobed, funnelform to
saucer-shaped, white to light pink. Stamens 4, inserted near the top of the
corolla tube, the anthers exserted or not. Ovary fully inferior, 2-locular, the
ovules 1 per locule. Style 1, slender, either unbranched and with a 2-lobed,
capitate stigma or 2-branched and with long linear stigmas, exserted or not.
Fruits schizocarps, dry, hairy, at maturity splitting from the base into 2
mericarps. Five to about 30 species, North America, Central America, South
America, Caribbean Islands, and possibly Africa; introduced in Asia, Pacific
In their taxonomic
revision of Diodia, Bacigalupo and Cabral (1999) treated the American
species traditionally ascribed to the genus as belonging to four different
genera. They transferred D. teres and about fifteen other species to the
genus Diodella Small, based mainly only differences in fruit morphology.
However, the taxonomic relationships among these genera are still not
well-understood. The as-yet not fully published doctoral studies of Dessein
(2003) include a preliminary molecular analysis of the tribe Spermacoceae
Bercht. & J. Presl, which supports the division of Diodia into
several groups, but also does not resolve the relationships between these
groups. Diodia teres is thus retained in the genus Diodia for the
present, with the knowledge that it will likely become recognized as part of a
segregate genus (likely Diodella Small) in the future. Diodia is
related to Spermacoce. For further discussion, see the treatment of that