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Published In: Species Plantarum 1: 110. 1753. (1 May 1753) (Sp. Pl.) Name publication detailView in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 6/2/2011)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 6/3/2011)
Contributor Text : S. NAZIMUDDIN AND M. QAISER
General/Distribution : A large genus of about 400 species, distributed mainly in the tropics. Represented in Pakistan by 6 cultivated species.


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Evergreen shrubs or small trees. Leaves opposite on rarely 3-whorled, generally glabrous and coriaceous; stipules interpetiolar. Inflorescence terminal on leafless lateral shoots or sometimes cauliflorous corymbose cymes, trichotomously branched. Flowers generally pedicellate, bracteate and 2 bracteolate, 4-merous, very rarely pentamerous, generally white, red or pink, mostly fragrant. Calyx-tube ovoid, lobes short, 4(-5), persistent. Corolla salver-shaped; tube long, very slender, terete, always longer than lobes, throat naked or bearded; lobes 4-(5), spreading, twisted in bud. Stamens 4(-5), inserted on throat or mouth of the corolla; filaments very short or absent. Disc thick or swollen. Ovary 2-locular; style filiform, branches 2, shortly exserted, diverging or recurved, rarely persistently connate. Ovules solitary, peltately attached to the septum in each locule. Fruit drupaceous, globose or didymous with persistent calyx, pyrenes 2, coriaceous. Seeds peltate, testa membranous, albumen hard.

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1 Flowers white. Leaves distinctly petiolate (2)
+ Flowers pink or orange to red. Leaves subsessile or shortly petiolate (4)
2 (1) Corolla-tube 8-12 mm long. Branches of inflorescence glabrous. Calyx-lobes equalling or shorter than calyx-tube (3)
+ Corolla-tube 20-25 mm long. Branches of inflorescence hairy. Calyx-lobes longer and broader than calyx tube 2 Ixora polyantha
3 (2) Style glabrous. Calyx-teeth equalling the tube. Leaves acute at the base, margin undulate 5 Ixora undulata
+ Style densely pubescent. Calyx-teeth minute, shorter than the tube. Leaves almost rounded at the base, margin not undulate 3 Ixora pavetta
4 (1) Leaves glabrous. Corolla-tube 2.5-4.5 cm long; lobes acute to acuminate. Flowers scarlet or orange-scarlet (5)
+ Leaves pubescent beneath. Corolla-tube 1.5-2 cm long; lobes obtuse to rounded. Flowers mostly pink 6 Ixora chinensis
5 (4) Leaves sessile, obtuse or mucronate with ± 8 pairs of lateral nerves 1 Ixora coccinea
+ Leaves shortly petiolate, acute with 10-12 main pairs of lateral nerves 4 Ixora fulgens
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