(Last Modified On 5/31/2013)
(Last Modified On 5/31/2013)
Jacquemontia Choisy
Mem. Soc. Phys. Geneve 6: 476. 1833.
LECTOTYPE: Convolvulus pentanthus Jacq. = Jacquemontia pentantha (Jacq.) G. Don.
Thyella Raf., FL. Tell. 4: 84. 1838. LECTOTYPE: T. tamnifolia (L.) Raf. = Jacquemontia tamnifolia L.
Herbs or suffrutescent procumbent shrubs, glabrous or densely pubescent. Leaves petiolate, mostly cordate at the base, entire, dentate or lobate. Flowers axillary, solitary in scorpioid cymes or in umbelliform or head-like cymes; small or medium-sized; the bracts small and linear to lanceolate or large and foliose; sepals 5, equal or unequal; corolla campanulate or funnelform, blue, lilac, or white (red in one species), deeply lobed, 5-dentate or almost entire; stamens and style included (exserted in one species), the pollen pantocolpate; style one, fili- form, the 2 stigmas ellipsoid or oblong and complanate, ovary 2-locular, 4-ovulate, the disc small or none. Fruits capsular, globose to subglobose, 2-celled, with 4 or rarely 8 valves, 4-seeded; seeds glabrous, tuberculate, winged or pilose.
Herbs or suffrutescent procumbent shrubs
Robertson suggests that the genus contains about 100 species. The genus appears to be of American origin.
Convolvulus, while closely allied, is distin- guished by its filiform or subulate stigmas and forms the ecological equivalent in the Old World. he ally of Jacquemontia, Convolvulus nodiflorus Desr. in Lam. (Encycl. Meth. Bot. 3: 557. 1789) (= Jacquemontia nodiflora (Desr.) G. Don (Hist. Dichl. P1. 4: 283. 1838), is widely distributed in the West Indies, Central Amer- ica and northern South America. It may be expected in Panama.
Robertson, K. R. A revision of the genus Jacquemontia (Convolvulaceae) in North and Central America and the West Indies. Ph.D. dissertation, Wash- ington University, St. Louis. 285 pp. 1971.
a. Inflorescences dense head-like cymose clusters, the bracts large, foliaceous, densely reddish to yellowish pubescent. b. Bracts linear to lanceolate; corolla blue ...... 7. J. tamnifolia bb. Bracts broadly ovate to rounded; corolla white ...... 4. J. hirtiflora aa. Inflorescences in lax or open cymes, the bracts small and inconspicuous, glabrous or pubescent, but pubescence not dense. c. Leaves sublinear to lanceolate, 7-15 mm wide. d. Sepals glabrescent, broadly ovate to subcordate, the outer 2 about 2/8 as broad as long ...... 3. J. gracillima dd. Sepals pubescent, often with glandular trichomes, lanceolate with a long acumi- nate apex, the outer 2 about 1/4 as broad as long. e. Inflorescences lax; outer sepals lanceolate ...... 1. J. agrestis ee. Inflorescences condensed and subumbelliform; outer sepals subulate-lan- ceolate ...... 6. J. sphaerostigma cc. Leaves ovate to subcordate, 20-60 mm wide. f. Sepals obtuse, the interplicae pubescent; mostly with more than 2 flowers open per inflorescence at a time ...... 2. J. ciliata ff. Sepals lanceolate, the interplicae glabrous; usually 1-2 flowers open per in- florescence at a time. g. Corollas 2 cm long; glabrous or with appressed eglandular trichomes on sepals and pedicels ...... 5. J. pentantha gg. Corollas to 1.2 cm long; glandular trichomes on sepals and pedicels. h. Inflorescences lax; outer sepals lanceolate ...... 1. J. agrestis hh. Inflorescences condensed and subumbelliform; outer sepals subulate- lanceolate ...... 6. J. sphaerostignia
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