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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 1/11/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 1/11/2013)
Genus OREOPANAX Dec. & Planch.
PlaceOfPublication Rev. Hortic. ser. IV. 3:107. 1854.
Synonym Monopanax Regel, in Gartenflora 13:35. 1869.
Description Shrubs or trees, frequently scandent epiphytes when juvenile, sometimes epi- phytic at maturity, glabrous or variously pubescent. Leaves simple or palmately compound, lobed or entire; petiole often dilated at the base but without a prom- inent extended ligule. Inflorescence with heads racemosely arranged in a terminal raceme or panicle, the peduncles swollen distally, the flowers sessile or essentially so, subtended by 2 or more bracteoles, the heads globose or ellipsoid, bracteolate. Flowers polygamo-dioecious (rarely polygamo-monoecious), (4-) 5 (-6) -merous; calyx cupuliform, the limb short, undulate, truncate or denticulate; petals usually submembranaceous, subacute at the apex, white or greenish, valvate; stamens inflexed in the bud, the anthers oblong, obtuse at both ends; styles in staminate flowers 1 or 2, slender, vestigial, in the pistillate flowers 2-10, free or slightly connate at the base, the ovary thick-walled, the locules as many as the styles. Fruit subglobose or ellipsoid, surmounted by the persistent calyx-limb, the styles often deciduous, the seeds as many as the locules or fewer by abortion.
Habit Shrub tree
Key a. Leaves palmately compound ................................... 1. 0. XALAPENSIS aa. Leaves simple. b. Apex of leaves acuminate, cuspidate or acute. c. Leaves glabrous or essentially so. d. Basal lateral veins inconspicuous, the venation essentially pinnate, the blades 3-5 times as long as broad .2. 0. LIEBMANNI dd. Basal lateral veins of the leaf-blades in 1 or 2 pairs, conspicu- ous, ascending or spreading, the blades 1-2 (rarely 3) times as long as broad ................. A.............................. 3. O. CAPITATUS cc. Leaves and young branches conspicuously stellate-tomentose..-..-4. 0. VESTITUS bb. Apex of leaves rounded. ------------------5. 0. COSTARICENSIS
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