Scapigerous herbs with terminal, bracteate, spicate inflorescence, glandular-pubescent. Bracts like scale leaves but usually somewhat smaller. Bracteoles, if present, 2, about as long as the calyx, free, rarely adnate to calyx-tube. Calyx campanulate, 4(-5)-toothed, or split into two lateral segments, each entire or 2-toothed, shorter than the corolla. Corolla campanulate, infundibuliform to almost tubulose, bilabiate, upper lip ± 2-lobed, often erect; lower lip 3-lobed, with middle lobe often somewhat larger than the lateral ones. Stamens didynamous, included, inserted about the middle or low down the corolla tube; anthers cells equal, often minutely mucronate at base. Ovary 1-celled. Capsules ovoid, oblong to spheroid, beaked by persistent style base, many seeded, sometimes valves gaping above; seeds very small, brownish.