A bushy shrub. Stem cylindrical, somewhat scabrous, older branches whitish. Leaves opposite, short-petioled, ovate-lanceolate; stipules free, scarious, persistent. Inflorescence of dense and congested terminal cymes; involucre copular, lacerate and persistent. Flowers sessile, dimorphous, pentamerous. Calyx-lobes not distinct. Corolla funnel-shaped, elongated; tube slender, 5-lobed, lobes valvate, spreading. Stamens 5, filaments short, anthers dorsifixed, linear to oblong, ovary didymous, apex bibbed, papillose, 2-locular. Style filiform. Ovule solitary, basally erect, anatropous. Fruit of 2 cocci, papillose, cocci short, 2-3-horned, 2-seeded; seeds erect, oblong, testa mem-branous.