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Datos del Proyecto Nombre (Last Modified On 3/21/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 3/21/2013)
Genus Buddleia L.
PlaceOfPublication Sp. Pl 112, 1753
Reference Gen. PI. ed. 5, 51, 1754.
Description Trees or shrubs; young branchlets conspicuously vested with stellate trichomes, frequently tetragonal; older branches glabrate, soon becoming woody and develop- ing furrowed bark at the surface. Leaves simple, typically decussate, petiolate or sessile, with only a stipular line connecting the petioles (rarely with well developed foliaceous stipules); blades variable in size and shape, pinnately nerved, the lower surface conspicuously pubescent with stellate trichomes, often also with smaller glandular trichomes underlying the stellate pubescence, the upper surface more sparsely pubescent or sometimes glabrous. Inflorescences basically paniculate but varying from a rather loose, terminal panicle with ultimate dichasial units to a racemose series of cymules (sometimes pseudoverticillate in appearance) or a com- pact head. Flowers usually rather small, actinomorphic, often functionally d 9 (the sterile organ or organs sometimes poorly developed); calyx green, usually covered with a stellate tomentum, the 4 lobes usually shorter than (sometimes equal to) the tube, persistent in fruit; corolla yellow, orange or white (pink or purple in some oriental and African species), campanulate, funnelform or salver- form, covered externally with stellate trichomes, internally with simple unicellular (and pitted) hairs which are distributed variously, the lobes 4, valvate or imbricate, usually shorter than the tube; stamens 4, inserted on the upper l/2 of the corolla- tube; ovary ovoid or subglobose, 2-locular, the number of ovules per locule vari- able, the style single, short, usually not extending appreciably beyond the corolla- lobes, the stigma clavate, usually notched at the apex. Capsules ovoid to oblong, less frequently subglobose, dehiscing septicidally, subsequently splitting loculicid- ally but only at the apex; seeds not exceeding 1.5 mm in length, ovate to oblong or slender and elongate, winged or wingless.
Habit Trees or shrubs
Distribution A genus of about 140 species with representatives occurring in southern Asia, Africa, and North and South America. The greatest concentration of species is South American but numerous Old World representatives occur; two species are native to Panama.
Reference Norman, E. M., The genus Buddleia in North America. Gentes Herbarum 10: 47-116, 1967.
Key a. Leaf-blades subcoriaceous, entire, appressed-puberulent beneath with stellate trichomes less than 0.3 mm broad; calyx-tube ca twice as long as the calyx- lobes; corolla-lobes imbricate in the bud, internally with the unbranched trichomes not organized into a crescent-shaped band ..................... 1. B. nitida aa. Leaf-blades membranaceous, serrate or serrulate (sometimes entire), rather loosely pubescent beneath with stellate trichomes 0.4-1 mm broad; calyx-tube ca equaling the calyx-lobes; corolla-lobes valvate in the bud, internally with the unbranched trichomes forming a conspicuous crescent-shaped band ....2. B. americana
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