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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 11/12/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 11/12/2012)
PlaceOfPublication Fl. Ingr. 1:96. 1860.
Synonym Sinapis integrifolia Willd. Hort. Berol. pI. I4. 1803.
Description Annual, glabrous, usually glaucous; stems single from the base, branched above, 5-10 dm. high; lower leaves long-petioled, blade irregularly dentate, oval to broadly obovate, obtuse; upper leaves narrower and shorter-petioled, acute to more or less acuminate, becoming almost entire above; flowers yellow, 7-10 mm. long; in- fructescences much elongated; pedicels divaricately ascending, glabrous, about 1 cm. long; siliques erect or ascending, 2-3 cm. long, valves with a prominent mid- vein, beak and style 3-5 mm. long; seeds oval, dark brown, ca. 1 mm. in diameter.
Note Brassica integrifolia is very closely related to B. juncea and may not merit the status of a species. Plants usually determined as B. integrifolia have shorter, less torulose siliques and shorter beaks than B. juncea. Also, the leaves are irregularly doubly dentate rather than notched as in B. juncea.
Specimen PANAMA: between Corozal and Pedro Miguel, Cowell 402; around Culebra, Pittier 4067.
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