(Last Modified On 1/25/2013)
(Last Modified On 1/25/2013)
Flowers perfect or unisexual, monoecious, polygamous or dioecious, sessile or shortly pedicellate, often bracteate and bibracteolate, the bracts mostly herbaceous. Perianth uniseriate, of (0-) 2-5 lobes, usually hypogynous, the lobes discrete or basally connate, usually greenish. Corolla absent. Stamens as many as or fewer than the sepals, the filaments mostly discrete, the anthers 2-4-locellate, usually introrse and dorso-medially attached. Ovary superior, unilocular, uniovulate, the ovule erect on a short funicle or pendulous from an elongate funicle; styles 1-3, the stigmata capitate or elongate or the stigmata 2-5 and elongate. Fruit a 1-seeded indehiscent or circumscissile utricle, the perianth often and the sepals occasionally adherent to the seed; seeds erect, horizontal or inverted, lenticular, cochleate, subglobose or ellipsoid; embryos circular or hippocrepiform and more or less encircling the endosperm or spirally coiled and nearly filling the seed. Herbs, rarely shrubs or small trees, with simple alternate or opposite exstipulate leaves, these often farinose or glandular. Flowers glomerulate in axillary or terminal spikes, racemes, panicles or cymes, or rarely solitary and axillary, or embedded in the strobiloid axis of the inflorescence.
Embracing about a hundred genera and more than a thousand species, the chenopods are a rather cosmopolitan family containing many weeds and halophytes in addition to a few vegetables such as the beet, spinach and swiss chard, the first of which is sometimes grown around the Canal Zone.
Three weedy species of Chenopodium occur in Panama, one probably native, the other two known only as weedy advents on San Jose Island.
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