OROBANCHACEAE (broomrape family)
Plants parasitic
on the roots of other plants, sometimes lacking chlorophyll, annual or
perennial herbs, sometimes woody and/or tuberous at the base, the roots
sometimes brittle, and appearing dense and coralloid, occasionally reduced or
absent. Stems various, sometimes thickened or succulent, sometimes white or
yellowish brown, sometimes strongly purplish- to blackish-tinged or blackening
upon drying. Leaves alternate or opposite and sometimes also basal, sometimes
appearing densely spiraled, then reduced to linear to ovate scalelike
structures. Stipules absent. Leaf blades various. Inflorescences terminal
and/or axillary, spikes, racemes, or of solitary flowers, at least the lower
nodes subtended by bracts, inconspicuous bractlets sometimes also present below
each flower. Flowers perfect, hypogynous, zygomorphic. Calyces 2–5-lobed, the
lobes sometimes minute and toothlike, persistent at fruiting. Corollas often
bilabiate, variously colored, 4- or 5-lobed, the tube usually well-developed,
sometimes persistent at fruiting. Stamens 4, the filaments attached in the
corolla tube, sometimes slightly unequal, the anthers usually not exserted
(exserted elsewhere), attached near their midpoints, the anther sacs sometimes
appearing spreading or asymmetrical (one of the sacs then reduced and
nonfunctional), white or yellow. Staminodes absent. Pistil 1 per flower, of 2
fused carpels. Ovary usually 1-locular, with numerous ovules, the placentation
parietal. Style 1, often persistent at fruiting, the stigma 1, variously shaped,
entire or 2-lobed. Fruits capsules, dehiscent longitudinally from the tip.
Seeds numerous, minute. About 96 genera, about 2,100 species, nearly worldwide.
With the few
possible exceptions noted below, members of the Orobanchaceae (as currently
delimited) are all root parasites. In some cases, the haustorial attachments to
the host root are so fine that they are routinely lost when plants are
excavated. For practical reasons, the species often are considered to belong to
two broad physiological classes. The first, hemiparasitic, are plants
that contain chlorophyll and thus merely supplement the sugars produced through
photosynthesis with those that they receive from their hosts. The second, holoparasitc,
are plants that contain no chlorophyll and thus have lost their ability to
photosynthesize, siphoning all of their nutrition from the host. holoparasitic.
Several studies have shown that for selected species of hemiparasites in the
family it is possible to grow plants to reproductive maturity in pot culture in
the absence of a host, especially when the plants are provided with extra
fertilizer (Lackney, 1981; Mann and Musselman, 1981; Crank, 1990). However, in
all cases, such plants underperform those grown with host plants and there is
no evidence to suggest that such plants are successful in completing their life
cycles in the wild.
the Orobanchaceae were treated in a much more restricted sense, comprising only
about 17 genera and 230 species of holoparasites (Cronquist, 1981, 1991). However,
a number of taxonomists had long questioned the separation of Orobanchaceae
from the traditional, broadly circumscribed Scrophulariaceae, especially from
the hemiparasitic genera in that family (Boeshore, 1920; Kuijt, 1969; Thieret,
1971; E. Fischer, 2004). These parasitic genera had been included in one or two
tribes in the traditional classification of Scrophulariaceae. Characters such
as axile vs. parietal placentation, the number of seeds per fruit, and other
minor features were thought to vary too greatly to be of use in distinguishing
families and some genera were ambiguously placed in either family. Even the
transition from hemiparasitism to holoparasitism did not serve to separate the
families, as the mainly African genus Harveya Hook. was noted to contain
both chlorophyllous and achlorophyllous members. Molecular studies have
resulted in the break-up of the former Scrophulariaceae (see the treatment of
that family for more discussion) and have agreed on three things: 1) the
parasitic lifestyle evolved only once within the overall group; 2) loss of
chlorophyll evolved several times within the lineage of parasitic genera; 3)
Orobanchaceae (in the broad sense to include all of the parasitic taxa) are
more closely related to families such as Phrymaceae, Paulowniaceae, and even
Acanthaceae and Bignoniaceae, than to the core group of genera remaining in
Scrophulariaceae in the restricted modern sense (dePamphilis et al., 1997;
Wolfe and dePamphilis, 1998; Nickrent et al., 1998; N. D. Young et al., 1999; Wolfe
et al., 2005; Bennett and Mathews, 2006; Tank et al., 2006; Albach et al.,
2009). These studies further suggested that the small paleotropical genus Lindenbergia
Lehm. is the closest extant nonparasitic genus to the rest of the
Orobanchaceae. Most recently, two other small autotrophic Asian genera have
been implicated as related to the lineage that includes the parasitic genera: Rehmannia
Libosch. ex Fisch. & C.A. Mey. and Triaenophora (Hook. f.) Soler.
(A. R. Jensen et al., 2008; Albach et al., 2009; Xia et al., 2009).
On a global
scale there remain many interesting problems of generic circumscription that
require further study. The genus Orobanche itself has been shown to
consist of five well-separated lineages, each of which might better be classified
as a separate genus (J.-m.Park et al., 2008).
Some members of
the Orobanchaceae, especially some Old World taxa of Orobanche and some
species of Striga Lour. (witchweed) are important parasitic weeds of
crop plants and are considered noxious weeds by the U.S. Department of
Agriculture. However the North American species of Orobanche have not
been implicated as crop pests. The negative effects of native hemiparasitic
genera such as Agalinis, Aureolaria, and Dasistoma, upon the
establishment and survival of tree seedlings in plantations and other plantings
were documented by Musselman and Mann (1978), but their relative importance in
Missouri forests and pine plantations is not known.