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Published In: Vorträge über Botanische Stammesgeschichte 2: 655. 1909. (July-Sept. 1909) (Vortr. Bot. Stammesgesch.) Name publication detail

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 7/9/2009)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 8/5/2009)


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Plants perennial, homosporous. Rhizomes creeping, often branched, hairy (rarely with scales elsewhere). Leaves variously compound. Veins free, less commonly anastomosing along the pinnule margins. Sori submarginal to marginal at the vein tips, the indusia usually present, but sometimes reduced to a low ridge of tissue, the pinnule margins sometimes also recurved to form a false indusium. Sporangia with the annulus an interrupted, vertical ring of cells. Gametophytes green, flat, obcordate to kidney-shaped.

About 20 genera, about 400 species, worldwide.


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1.Leaf blades narrowly elongate-triangular in outline; sori discrete, the indusia cup-shaped, opening toward the margins of the pinnule lobes
1.Leaf blades broadly triangular in outline; sori in a nearly continuous line along the pinnule margins, the indusia poorly developed, hidden by the recurved pinnule margins
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