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Published In: Revista Sudamericana de Botánica 9(1): 15. 1949. (Jun 1949) (Revista Sudamer. Bot.) Name publication detail

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 7/9/2009)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 8/5/2009)


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DRYOPTERIDACEAE (Wood-fern Family)

Plants perennial, homosporous. Rhizomes erect to creeping, scaly. Leaves clustered or closely spaced on the rhizome, sometimes dimorphic. Sporangia mostly aggregated into circular to oblong sori on the undersurface of the leaf blades, along the veins or at the tips of vein branches, usually with indusia, these variously shaped, the annulus an interrupted, vertical ring of cells. Spores 32 or 64 per sporangium, monolete. Gametophytes green, flat, obcordate to kidney-shaped, often with stalked glands. About 60 genera, about 3,000 species, worldwide.

As presently circumscribed, the Dryopteridaceae are the largest temperate family of ferns and include many of the larger, common woodland ferns that occur in Missouri.


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1.Leaves strongly dimorphic, the fertile leaf blades dense and contracted, the pinnules folding around the sori, turning hard and dark brown and overwintering
2.Vegetative leaf blades broadest above the middle, long-tapering to the base; veins not anastomosing
2.Vegetative leaf blades broadest at or near the base; veins anastomosing
1.Leaves monomorphic or slightly dimorphic, the fertile leaves with somewhat narrower pinnae or the fertile, apical portions of the leaf blade with somewhat shorter, narrower pinnae
3.Leaf blades pinnately compound, the pinna margins entire or toothed, sometimes with a basal auricle but not deeply, pinnately lobed
4.Fertile leaf blades with somewhat narrower pinnae than those of the vegetative leaves; sori linear, with laterally attached indusia
4.Fertile, apical pinnae somewhat shorter and narrower than the more basal, vegetative pinnae of the same leaf; sori circular, with circular, peltate indusia
3.Leaf blades 2 or more times pinnately compound, or if 1 time compound, then the pinnae deeply, pinnately lobed
5.Petiole bases with 4–9 vascular bundles (usually visible at the base of the petioles of leaves picked from the rhizome); indusia kidney-shaped to circular-cordate, attached at the base of the notch
5.Petiole bases with 2 vascular bundles; indusia variously shaped, attached underneath the sori or lateral
6.Indusia attached underneath the sori, cuplike and splitting into several, irregularly lobed segments at maturity; petioles scaly at maturity
6.Indusia attached laterally, arching over the sporangia; petioles glabrate at maturity, at most with sparse scales at the base
7.Sori circular or nearly so
7.Sori narrowly oblong to linear, sometimes U-shaped
8.Leaves 2 or more times pinnately compound, the pinnules often lobed; rachises glabrous to glandular or sparsely scaly; veins mostly branched; sori frequently U-shaped
8.Leaves pinnately compound, the pinnae deeply, pinnately lobed; rachises with multicellular hairs, sometimes also sparsely scaly; veins unbranched; sori not U-shaped
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