This species was known to Andersson (1997) from only one specimen, but recent exploration has documented a wider range. It is often found on sandstone substrates in the foothills of the eastern Andes, but does not appear to be restricted to these substrates. Ladenbergia klugii is similar to L. riveroana in its generally lance-elliptic leaves that are villosulous to tomentulose below and acute to acuminate at the apex, its densely tomentulous inflorescence axes and calyx, its calyx limb that is subtruncate or divided for up to 1/4 into broadly triangular to rounded lobes, and its medium-sized white flowers. However L. riveroana can be separated by its calyx limb that is divided for more than half into triangular lobes that are generally glabrous while the tubular portion of the limb is pubescent. Ladenbergia klugii is similar to L. ferruginea, which is known from southern Peru (Puno) and differs in its leaves that are less densely pubescent on the lower surface and its calyx limb that appears to be more uniformly pubescent; Andersson also separated L. klugii by its larger corollas, with the tube 14 mm long vs. 10 mm long in L. ferruginea, but recent collections have documented more variation in corolla length that overlaps with that of L. ferruginea.