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!Anthemideae Cass. Search in IPNISearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Published In: Journal de Physique, de Chimie, d'Histoire Naturelle et des Arts 88: 192–193. 1819. (Mar 1819) (J. Phys. Chim. Hist. Nat. Arts) Name publication detailView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 6/2/2011)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 6/3/2011)
Contributor Text: ABDUL GHAFOOR Herbarium, Natural Resources & Environment Research Institute, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, P.O.Box 6086, Riyadh-11442, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
General/Distribution: A large tribe containing approximately 1750 species, in c. 110 genera, distributed in Eurasia, North and South Africa, with fewer species in North America and Australasia. Represented in Pakistan by 22 genera and 91 species, mainly in North and Northwestern regions.


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Annual or perennial, herbs, woody undershrubs or occasionally shrubs. Leaves alternate, mostly variously dissected, rarely entire. Capitula homogamous or heterogamous, radiate, discoid or disciform. Involucre shape variable, broadly campanulate to narrowly urceolate, phyllaries 2-4(-7)-seriate, imbricate, with narrow to broad scarious hyaline or brown margins, rarely herbaceous or lacerate. Receptacle flat to convex or conical to subulate, glabrous or densely hirsute to soft hairy or paleate. Marginal florets (ray-florets) uniserite, rarely multiseriate, fertile or sterile, or sometimes neuter, tube sometimes dorsiventrally flattend, with or without ligules, limbs 2-3-dentate at apices, yellow, white, pink, purple or violaceous, rarely reddish. Disc-florets bisexual, rarely female to male-sterile or functionally female, or functionally male with reduced ovaries, tubular or filiform-tubulose, usually yellow, sometimes pink or purple, tube dilated upwards, or saccate, 4-5-dentate or toothed. Anthers basally ecaudate, sometimes caudate, terminal appendages triangular to linear-lanceolate or obtuse to rounded, sometimes with resin ducts in the appendages. Styles truncate, apically penicillate or marginally stigmatic. Cypselas homomorphic or occasionally heteromorphic, 2-10-costate or 1-3-winged, terete or dorsiventrally compressed, apically rounded when epappose, smooth, glabrous or sometimes covered with glands or sparsely to densely hirsute. Pappus absent or paleae-like, coronate or obliquely auriculate, rarely divided into numerous narrow persistent bristles or scales.

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1 (1) Receptacle covered by paleae subtending the ray-florets and disc-florets or hairy or scaly. (1)
+ Receptacle glabrous, not covered by paleae. (2)
2 (1) Capitula radiate, ligules present. (2)
+ Capitula discoid or disciform, ligules absent. (3)
3 (2) Rays yellow. (3)
+ Rays white, pink or red. (4)
4 (3) Annual herbs. Capitula solitary terminal. Paleae with excurrent midrib. Cypselas with a crown-shaped or auriculate pappus. 1 Anthemis
+ Perennial herbs or shrublets. Capitula many in corymbs. Paleae with midrib not excurrent. Cypselas without pappus. 7 Achillea
5 Annual or rarely biennial herbs. Cypselas various, rarely dorsiventrally flattened but then rhombic in cross section, with more than 2 ribs. Pappus coronate or auriculate. 1 Anthemis
+ Perennial herbs or shrublets. Cypselas dorsiventrally flattened, with 2 lateral, more or less distinct ribs, without pappus. 7 Achillea
6 (6) Capitula in lax or dense corymbs. (6)
+ Capitula solitary or in simple racemes or in a small or large panicle. (7)
7 (6) Capitula homogamous, all florets bisexual, tubular. 16 Handelia
+ Capitula heterogamous, marginal florets female, ligulate. 7 Achillea
8 Capitula heterogamous, marginal florets female, disc-florets bisexual. Receptacle hairy or scaly. (9)
+ Capitula homogamous, all florets bisexual, tubular. Receptacle conical, glabrous. 22 Seriphidium
9 (8) Capitula small, in small to large panicles or spicate contracted panicles. Florets much less than 100, with corolla and ovaries not scaly but corolla in some only apically hairy. Marginal florets 2-lobed, lobes acute. 20 Artemisia
+ Capitula large, more than 10 mm across, in racemes. Florets more than 100, with corolla and ovaries densely scaly. Marginal florets 4-lobed, lobes obtuse. 21 Artemisiella
10 (10) Capitula radiate, ligules present. (10)
+ Capitula discoid or disciform, ligules absent. (11)
11 (10) Annual herbs. (11)
+ Perennial herbs or shrublets. (12)
12 (11) Ligules yellow, rarely partly white or occasionally reddish. (12)
+ Ligules white, rarely pink to reddish, bluish-violet or creamy-orange but not yellow. (13)
13 (12) Disc-cypselas ± terete, not winged, distinctly ribbed with dark vallecular secretory canals between the pale-whitish ribs. 9 Leucanthemum
+ Cypselas heteromorphic, Disc-cypselas prismatic, with a narrow adaxial wing, vallecular canals not present between the ribs. 8 Chrysanthemum
14 Cypselas glabrous. Pappus not as above. (15)
+ Cypselas laterally pilose. Pappus a fimbriate auricle in ray-cypselas or whitish corona in disc-cypselas. 3 Microcephala
15 (14) Receptacle beset with paleae. (15)
+ Receptacle without paleae. (16)
16 (15) Cypselas obovoid, laterally compressed, without distinct ribs or wings, posteriorly enveloped by a spur formed by prolongation of disc-corolla tube bases. Pappus absent. 2 Chamaemelum
+ Cypselas terete or angled or ribbed, often tuberculate, rarely dorsiventrally flattened, bases of corolla not forming a spur posteriorly. Pappus present as short corona or auricle. 1 Anthemis
17 (17) Ligules absent. (17)
+ Ligules present. (18)
18 (17) Cypselas not or slightly flattened, with 5 adaxial lateral ribs or 8-10 ribbed. (19)
+ Cypselas dorsiventrally flattened and with 2 lateral ribs. 5 Cotula
19 (18) Roots reddish-tipped. Cypselas ± terete, prominently 8-10-ribbed, with vallecular canals between the ribs. 9 Leucanthemum
+ Roots not reddish-tipped. Cypselas slightly flattened with 5 adaxial ribs, without any vallecular canals between the ribs. 4 Matricaria
20 Cypselas not triquetrous, without reddish-brown resin glands anteriorly at the apices. (21)
+ Cypselas triquetrous, strongly 3-ribbed on posterior side and bearing 1 or usually 2, reddish-brown resin glands anteriorly at the apices. 6 Tripleurospermum
21 (20) Disc-florets with 5-lobed corolla, lobes without resin canals. Cypselas slightly or not flattened, with adaxial ribs or terete and 8-10-ribbed. (22)
+ Disc-florets with 4-lobed corolla, lobes with central resin canals. Cypselas strongly compressed dorsiventrally, with two lateral ribs. 5 Cotula
22 (21) Cypselas not flattened, terete, with 8-12 ribs. Vallecular canals between the ribs present. Capitula lagre, 2.5-5 cm across. 9 Leucanthemum
+ Cypselas slightly flattened, with 5 adaxial lateral ribs. Vallecular canals between the ribs absent. Capitula small, less than 2 cm across. 4 Matricaria
23 (23) Pappus of 4-12 obovate-oblong or numerous bristle-like scales, at least half as long as the corolla or longer. (23)
+ Pappus of short scales, an auricle or a corona or absent. (24)
24 (23) Pappus of many (25 – 50) bristle-like scales, equalling or exceeding the corolla in length. Ligules often bluish-violet, sometimes white or pink. 18 Allardia
+ Pappus of 4 – 12, obovate-oblong scales, half to equaling the corolla in length. Ligules white or sometimes pink. 13 Richteria
25 Disc-corollas 5-lobed. Cypselas not flattened, with more than 2 ribs. (26)
+ Disc-corollas 4-lobed. Cypselas dorsiventrally flattened and with 2 lateral ribs. 5 Cotula
26 (25) Cypselas not triquetrous, without reddish-brown resin glands anteriorly at the apices. (27)
+ Cypselas triquetrous, with 1 adaxial and 2 lateral more or less thick ribs and 2 dark colored (reddish-brown) dotted resin glands anteriorly at the apices. 6 Tripleurospermum
27 (26) Ligulate marginal flowers fertile, ovaries not jointed with the corolla base. (28)
+ Ligulate marginal flowers sterile, with ovaries jointed with the corolla bases. 11 Tanacetum
28 (27) Leaves ± undivided, serrate or pinnatifid to pinnatipartite. Receptacle distinctly alveolate or punctate tuberculate. (28)
+ Leaves 1-3-pinnatisect, rarely undivided. Receptacle not alveolate or punctate-tuberculate. (29)
29 (28) Disc-floret corolla basally swollen and spongy in fruit. Cypselas terete, prominently 8-10-ribbed, dark, with vallecular secretory canals between the ribs. 9 Leucanthemum
+ Disc-floret corolla not swollen and spongy in fruit. Cypselas obovoid, faintly 5-8-ribbed, without vallecular secretory canals between the ribs. 10 Dendranthema
30 Receptacle convex or hemispherical. Cypselas without myxogenic cells. Pappus of a corona of small scales or an adaxial small auricle. 11 Tanacetum
+ Receptacle always flat. Cypselas with myxogenic cells. Pappus of several, adaxially longer scales on one side. 14 Xylanthemum
31 Cypselas, rarely triquetrous, dorsally pilose or 8-10-ribbed or with 3 adaxial lateral ribs but without 2 abaxial resin glands. (32)
+ Cypselas triquetrous with 1 adaxial and 2 lateral more or less thick ribs, abaxially and apically with 2 distinct (sometimes 1 by fusion or 3-5) resin glands. 6 Tripleurospermum
32 (31) Pappus present, of scales, an auricle or a corona. (32)
+ Pappus absent. (33)
33 (32) Annual herbs. (33)
+ Perennial herbs or often half-shrubs or shrublets or shrubs. (34)
34 (33) Cypselas glabrous or sometimes glandular or prominently 8-10-ribbed. Pappus of various kinds. (35)
+ Cypselas laterally pilose. Pappus a fimbriate whitish corona. 3 Microcephala
35 (34) Cypselas ribbed all around, not mainly adaxially. (36)
+ Cypselas with 5 adaxial lateral ribs. Pappus an auricle or small corona. 4 Matricaria
36 (35) Receptacle epaleate. Perennial herbs or shrublets. (37)
+ Receptacle paleate. Annual herbs. 1 Anthemis
37 (36) Leaves ± undivided, serrate or at the mostpinnatifid. Cypselas dark colored with 10 whitish ribs. Vallecular canals present between the mucilaginous cell bearing ribs. 9 Leucanthemum
+ Leaves usually 1-3-pinnatisect, rarely undivided. Cypselas inconspicuously 5-10-ribbed. Vellecular secretory canals and mucilaginous cells on ribs absent. 11 Tanacetum
38 (38) Capitula in corymbs. Perennial herbs. (38)
+ Capitula solitary. Shrublets. (39)
39 (38) Leaves entire but marginally crenate- serrate. Receptacle glabrous. Tufts of woolly fibres absent on rootstock. 11 Tanacetum
+ Leaves pinnatisect. Receptacle pilose. Tufts of woolly fibres present on rootstock. 12 Tanacetopsis
40 Cypselas without myxogenic cells. Pappus a corona of small scale or adaxial auricle. Receptacle usually convex or hemispherical. 11 Tanacetum
+ Cypselas with myxogenic cells. Pappus of several adaxially longer scales. Receptacle always flat. 14 Xylanthemum
41 (41) Capitula disciform with female marginal florets or discoid with all florets hermaphrodite. (41)
+ Capitula radiate, with outer florets female and disc-florets hermaphrodite. 10 Dendranthema
42 (42) Capitula disciform, outer marginal florets female. (42)
+ Capitula discoid, all florets hermaphrodite. (43)
43 (42) Capitula usually in panicles. Apical anther appendages lanceolate-linear to subulate. Cypselas not ribbed. 20 Artemisia
+ Capitula in corymbs. Apical anther appendages more or less triangular. Cypselas faintly 4-6-ribbed. 19 Ajania
44 Cypselas obovoid-oblong, straight or somewhat oblique, smooth or ribbed but not tuberculate. (45)
+ Cypselas slender and somewhat arcuate, obtusely tuberculate. Capitula densely corymbose. 17 Pseudohandelia
45 (44) Capitula medium-sized to moderately large, solitary or aggregated in dense or lax corymbs. (46)
+ Capitula small, in a small or large panicle. 22 Seriphidium
46 (45) Receptacle flat to convex, glabrous. Anthers not tailed. Pappus absent. (47)
+ Receptacle conical, chaffy. Anthers tailed. Pappus short coronate. 16 Handelia
47 (46) Leaves entire, serrate or pinnatifid. Capitula solitary or 2-6, in lax corymbs. Corolla basally spongy and swollen in fruit. 9 Leucanthemum
+ Leaves much dissected pinnately. Capitula usually in dense corymbs or glomerules. Corolla basally neither spongy nor swollen. 15 Hippolytia
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