This species is characterized by its its medium-sized, generally narrowly elliptic, papery to stiffly papery leaves with the apex usually sharptly acute to acuminate; its sessile or very shortly pedunculate, several- to many-flowered, branched inflorescences with the bracts very reduced and well developed pedicles; its flowers with a short, truncate to shallowly lobed calyx limb; its slender white corollas with the tube ca. 5-9 cm long, the lobes very short, ca. 0.5-0.8 mm long, and the obtuse at the apex in bud; and its medium-sized to somewhat small fruits. The inflorescence is often very widely spreading, with the flowers pointed in various different directions. Ixora cremixora is one of the most commonly collected Ixora species in Madagascar, and is apparently rather widely distributed ecologically. This species has been confused occasionally with Ixora hookeri, which is a more robust plant with a pedunculate inflorescence and longer corolla lobes. Ixora cremixora is also similar to Ixora platythyrsa, with leaves generally truncate at the base, often pedunculate inflorescences, and longer corolla lobes.