This species is characterized by its robust habit; its large, petiolate, rather narrowly elliptic, coriaceous leaves that are sharply acuminate at the apex and usually dry with a yellow-green color and the venation not very evident; its lax, pedunculate, several-flowered inflorescences with reduced bracts; its pedicellate flowers with a truncate calyx limb and long, white to pink corollas with the tube 17-22.5 cm long; and its medium-sized fruits. It has been confused with Ixora siphonantha, with thinner-textured leaves and well developed bracts. De Block (2007) noted that although the pollinators have not been observed, this species is certainly pollinated b hawkmoths.
Critical remark (De Block, 2007): One specimen from Daraina is tentatively included in I. crassipes even though it falls somewhat outside the distribution range of the typical material. Ranirison 630 possesses the lax, almost ebracteolate inflorescences, the absence of articulation just below the flower, the long corolla tubes and the pale-drying, subcoriacous leaves which are characteristic for the species. It differs from the other specimens by the smaller leaves (10–12.5 × 4–5 cm) with somewhat shorter petioles (0.5–1.2 cm long) and acute tips and the shorter flowers (corolla tubes 14–15 cm long, lobes ca 15 mm long) with the style less exserted (8–10 mm) and the stigmatic lobes longer (4–5 mm long). Also, the calyx, while usually truncate, is subtruncate in certain flowers.