This species is characterized by its tree habit, hirsute pubescence on stems, petioles, and leaf undersides, medium-sized (for Simira), petiolate, elliptic leaves with rounded to truncate bases, pyramidal multiflowered inflorescences, 5-merous flowers, funnelform corollas with the tube ca. 4 mm long, subglobose and woody capsules ca. 3 cm in diameter. The specimens characteristically dry with a yellowish brown color. The leaf blades lack domatia. The calyx limb is 2-2.5 mm long with triangular, obtuse to acute lobes. The corolla is described on labels as pale yellow or greenish yellow.
Simira hirsuta is similar to Simira lezamae of northern Venezuela, with strigose pubescence and well developed tufted domatia. Simira hirsuta is also generally similar to Simira cesariana.