The identity of this name is unclear. It has been cited, enigmatically, as a synonym of Psychotria graciliflora Benth., a name that was published subsequently (Lorence, 1999; Delrpete & Cortés-Ballén, 2016). The type specimen in Candolle's herbarium is fragmentary, but its fruit appears to be too large to correspond to Psychotria graciliflora. This species was included by Candolle in a group of other Psychotria species from Mexico that all correspond to Palicourea in today's taxonomy, and his fragmentary specimen seems similar to Psychotria (or Palicourea) pubescens. The name Psychotria biaristata has, in contrast, recently been treated by POWO as the new accepted name for Psychotria graciliflora, but this conclusion is not accepted here pending study of good documentation of this name and confirmation that this specimen actually came from Mexico and was not mislabeled as with much of Haenke's material.