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Stenosepala C.H. Perss. Search in The Plant ListSearch in IPNISearch in Australian Plant Name IndexSearch in Index Nominum Genericorum (ING)Search in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Publicado en: Novon 10(4): 403–406, f. 1. 2000. (Novon) Name publication detailView in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Datos del Proyecto Nombre (Last Modified On 11/5/2019)
Aceptación : Accepted
Nota : Tribe Gardenieae
Datos del Proyecto     (Last Modified On 11/5/2019)
Notas :

Stenosepala includes one morphologically distinctive species found in the Chocó-Darién region of northwestern South America and southern Central America. This genus is characterized by a shrub or small tree habit; hirsute pubescence on vegetative and reproductive structures; stems with bark that is reddened and/or peeling; persistent triangular stipules; obovate, thin-textured, medium-sized leaves without domatia; terminal dioecious inflorescences of markedly different form; unusual calyx limbs with 4-10 well developed, setaceous or linear lobes; slender, 6-8-merous, white corollas with convolute (contorted) lobes that are acuminate at their tips; and subglobose fleshy fruits with numerous flattened seeds. The specimens frequently dry with a blue color, usually in the fruits but sometimes in the entirely plant. The hirsute pubescence is usually dense and striking. This species has not been reported to be deciduous, but it grows in dry seasonal habitats where the evergreen species characteristically have much thicker-textured leaves. The leaves of Stenosepala generally lack domatia, although a few specimens appear to have a cave-like space under the secondary veins at their abaxial axils, and that space might serve as a domatium. The flower buds are sharply acute at the apex with the tips of the lobes shortly spreading (Persson, 2000a: figs. 1B). The fruits are 2.5-5 cm in diameter.

The staminate inflorescences of Stenosepala are lax, pedunculate, branched cymes with 10-40 flowers borne on well developed pedicels; in contrast, the pistillate inflorescences comprise a single flower with a relatively large ovary portion. The number of calyx lobes is apparently quite variable, between the pistillate and staminate flowers and among staminate plants. The pistillate corollas may be smaller than the staminate, but few pistillate flowers have been documented. The staminate and pistillate corollas are notable in the variation in number of lobes: the staminate corollas are 6-lobed, while the pistillate corollas are 6-8-lobed.

Persson (2000b, 2000c) found Stenosepala placed in the tribe Gardenieae, and within that in the "Alibertia Group", although his analysis did not clearly indicate its relationships within that group. Bremer & Eriksson (2009) then studied the overall systematics of Rubiaceae, and did not find a single, monophyletic group that corresponded to Gardenieae. Mouly et al. subsequently (2014) reviewed Gardenieae in detail along with related groups, and separated the "traditional" Gardenieae into several new, somewhat weakly supported tribes with Stenosepala included in their new Cordiereae; this tribe corresponded generally to the "Alibertia Group" of Persson (2000c). The general morphological characterization of Cordiereae there included a fusiform pistillate stigma and the presence of exotestal thickenings on the seed, which are apparently not found in Stenosepala; Mouly et al. noted that (as with all Rubiaceae groups) several genera have exceptions to the morphological generalizations of their new tribes. Then Persson & Delprete (2017) reviewed the available molecular data for this group and concluded that the support for several of Mouly et al.'s tribes is uncomfortably weak, and they returned to recognizing the "traditional" Gardenieae of Persson (2000b) until this group is better understood.

Stenosepala is not closely similar to any other Neotropical Rubiaceae, but it can be difficult to identify because it is not commonly seen and the staminate and pistillate plants are so very different in flower and fruit. The fruiting plants are generally similar to Genipa, in leaf size and shape and often in a blue drying color; Genipa has caducous stipules, a truncate to shallowly lobed calyx limb, and 1-locular ovaries with parietal placentation. Stenosepala is similar to several species of Randia, but that genus generally has spines and brachyblast growth and also can be recognized by its pollen grains dispersed in tetrads and 1-locular ovaries with parietal placentation.

Authors: C.H. Persson and C.M. Taylor.
The content of this web page was last revised on 4 November 2019.
Taylor web page: http://www.mobot.org/MOBOT/Research/curators/taylor.shtml

Distribución : Seasonal lowland forest from eastern Panama across northern Colombia.
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Shrubs to medium-sized trees, unarmed, terrestrial, without raphides in tissues, dioecious. Leaves opposite, with tertiary and quaternary venation not lineolate, without domatia; stipules interpetiolar or sometimes shortly fused around stem, generally persistent, triangular, aristate, adaxially sericeous, erect. Staminate (male) inflorescences terminal on main stems, thyrsiform, multiflowered, pedunculate, bracteate. Staminate (male) flowers pedicellate in cymose groups of 2-7, medium-sized, whether fragrant not noted; hypanthium narrowly cylindrical; calyx limb deeply 7-10-lobed or perhaps 4-10 lobed, lobes linear, without calycophylls; corolla salverform with slender tube, white to cream, internally glabrous, lobes 6, narrowly lanceolate or triangular, slightly longer than the tube, convolute (contorted) to the left in bud; stamens 6, anthers subsessile, included, narrowly ellipsoid, with triangular apical appendage, pollen 4-5-colporate, foveolate; pistillode with slender stylar portion, stigmatic portion short, 3-lobed, positioned above anthers in corolla throat. Pistillate (female) flowers terminal on main stems, solitary, subtended by the terminal stipule and sometimes several stipuliform bracts; hypanthium subglobose to ellipsoid; calyx limb deeply 8-9-lobed, lobes linear, without calycophylls; corolla salverform with slender tube, white to cream, internally glabrous, lobes 7, narrowly triangular, slightly longer than the tube, convolute to left in bud, reflexed at anthesis; staminodes similar to stamens (Persson, 2000a: fig. 1G); style slender, stigmas 4, positioned just below mouth of corolla tube next to staminodes; ovary 3-4-locular, ovules numerous in each locule, horizontal on axile placentas. Fruit baccate, subglobose, fleshy, brown to yellow, with calyx limb persistent; seeds lenticular-angled or flattened, embedded in pulp, smooth, exostestal cells elongate (5-10 times longer than wide), without secondary thickenings in radial walls.

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