This tribe has long been treated under the name Condamineeae, but recent changes to the International Code of Nomenclature for plant names along with changes in the circumscription of both Rubiaceae and this tribe (Kainulainen et al., 2010) now require that the name Dialypetalantheae be used (Reveal, 2012). This change is mandated by Art. 19.5, first adopted in the Melbourne Congress in 2011, which extended the use of conserved family names to infrafamilial taxa that include the type of the conserved family name. Kainulainen et al. (2010) demonstrated that the morphologically enigmatic genus Dialypetalanthus does not represent a separate famliy but belongs to Rubiaceae, and that this genus belongs here to the tribe was long called Condamineeae: when Dialypetalanthus is included in this group, this name has priority. (If Dialypetalanthus is excluded again at some point from this tribe's circumscription, then the tribe would again take the name Condamineeae).
Author: C.M. Taylor
The content of this web page was last revised on 8 December 2022.
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