Perennial herb, 11-22 cm tall. Stems with divaricate branching, pubescent with gladular hairs below, ± glabrous above. Leaves only radical, few, 36-12 x 10-15 mm, spathulate, base attenuate, apex obtuse, glabrous. Inflorescence spreading, flower terminal, solitary. Bracts minute, ciliate. Pedicel 7-10 mm, slender, purplish-green, glabrous. Calyx 3.4 mm, cylindric-campanulate, minutely pubescent, membranous and splitting in fruit; teeth obtuse with a hyaline margin, ± with short cilia, ± glandular. Petals c. 3.5 mm, whitish-pink; limb entire, exserted beyond calyx, claw long. Carpopliore absent. Capsule 3-3.5 mm, ovoid. Seeds brown, c. 1 mm, finely tuberculate, with a beak near the hilum.