Accepted By:
Fernald, M. 1950. Manual (ed. 8) i–lxiv, 1–1632. American Book Co., New York.
Flora of North America Editorial Committee. 2005. Magnoliophyta: Caryophyllidae, part 2. 5: i–xxii, 1–656. In Flora of North America Editorial Committee (eds.) Fl. N. Amer.. Oxford University Press, New York.
Gleason, H. A. 1968. The Choripetalous Dicotyledoneae. vol. 2. 655 pp. In H. A. Gleason Ill. Fl. N.E. U.S.. New York Botanical Garden, New York.
Gleason, H. A. & A. J. Cronquist. 1991. Man. Vasc. Pl. N.E. U.S. (ed. 2) i–910. New York Botanical Garden, Bronx.
Tikhomirov, V. N. 2016. (2427) Proposal to conserve the name Stellaria (Caryophyllaceae) with a conserved type. Taxon 65(2): 389–390.