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Published In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Reihe 14: 496. 1965. (Wiss. Z. Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg, Math.-Naturwiss. Reihe) Name publication detail

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 6/2/2011)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 6/3/2011)
Flower/Fruit: Fl. Per.: Feb. –March. Fr. Per.: April.
Type: Type: Described from specimen cultivated at Chelsea garden.
Comment/Acknowledgements: Common as a weed in cultivated fields, in chitral, Swat, Hazara, Punjab and Baluchistan.
Map Location: A-6 Chitral: Chitral village, 5000', 11.4.1959, at edge of fields, corolla pink, 2.5.1958, Stainton 2169; Ashret (Lowari Pass), 5000'-8500', 12.7.1950, I.I. Chaudhri 24 (RAW); Kurram Agency: Parachinar, 22.5.1978, S. Nazimuddin 1146 (KUH): Mangla -Gadani 24.3.1980, lrfan-ul-Haque 1146 (KUH); B-7 Swat: Bahrein, ± 4500', 15.3.1954, S. Ali s.n. (RAW); Mingora to Madyan, S. of Khawazakhela, 2nd June, 1965, J. Lamond 1682 (RAW; E); C-7 Rawalpindi Dist.: Rawalpindi, 1700', 31.3.1939, R.R. Stewart 17252 B(RAW); Jhelum Dist.: Duia-Mangal rd., 6th mile, c. 62 miles S. of Rawalpindi, 21.3.1980, in cult. field, fls. pink, E. & Y. Nasir 9017 (RAW); Baluchistan: D-4 Pishin, c. 5000', 25.v.1968, Z. Ali 4795 (RAW); Quetta, 5.5.1963, M.A. Siddiqi s.n. (RAW); Quetta, nr. Sangjani road from Harnai, c. 1500 m, 16th May, 1965, J. Lomond 1319 (RAW); Surkhab, 21.5.1969, Sultan-ul-Abedin s.n. (KUH); id., 9.6.1970, M. Qaiser & Ghafoor 1356 (KUH); F-5 Khairpur: cult., in college, 14.3.1956, Jafri 1260 (KUH).


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Erect herb. Stems up to 50 cm tall; yellow-green. Leaves 25-70 x 4-20 mm, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, apex acute, base sessile, clasping the stem above. Inflorescence a spreading panicle, with the flowers borne in 3-7-flowered dichasia. Pedicel slender. Calyx 10-15 (-16) mm, cylindric, slightly contracted below the teeth, glabrous; teeth triangular, with a scarious margin and apex with 5 Prominent veins and yellowish-green wings between them. Petals pink, 15-20 nun, limb entire or irregularly dentate above, claw partially exserted. Capsule 8-10 mm, subglobose, included in the calyx. Seed c. 2 mm diameter, subglobose, black.
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