Perennial up to 50 cm tall. Stems many, erect to ascending, glabrous, simple or branched, arising from a woody stock. Leaves 10-150 x 3-7 mm, linear-lanceolate, base of lower leaves attenuate, apex acute, glabrous to minutely pubescent margin; upper cauline leaves smaller, sessile. Inflorescence a lax cyme. Bracts small, margin ciliate. Pedicel longer than the calyx, glabrous. Calyx 5.6-7 mm, cylindrical, narrow at the base, green subcoriaceous, scabrid or rugose; teeth triangular, acute, 15-nerved. Petals white or pink, the limb oblong, entire, slightly exceeding the calyx; claw narrow. Coronal scales 2-fid. Carpophore absent. Capsule oblong, partially exserted from the calyx. Seed reniform, dark brown, reticulate.