(Last Modified On 8/28/2013)
(Last Modified On 8/28/2013)
Coccocypselum cordifolium Nees & Mart.
Nova Acta Acad. Cas Leop.-Carol. German Nat. Cur. 12: 14. 1824.
Geophila pleuropoda Donnell Smith, Bot. Gaz. 52: 50. 1911. TYPE: Guatemala, Goll s.n., not seen. Geocardia pleuropoda (Donnell Smith) Standley, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 17. 445. 1914. Tontanea pleuropoda (Donnell Smith) Standley, N. Am. Fl. 32: 148. 1921. Coccocypselum rothschuhii Loesner, Engler Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 60. 370. 1926. TYPE: not seen. Coccocypselum pleuropodum (Donnell Smith) Standley, Publ. Field Colombian Mus., Bot. Ser. 4: 281. 1929.
Herbs, stems prostrate, the hairs dense, weak, spreading, the nodes well spaced. Leaves reniform, ovate or ovate rotund, 2.0-4.5 cm long, 1.5-3.2 cm wide, widely deltoid to obtuse at the apex, cordate at the base, the lateral veins 4-6, arcuate, usually drying purple beneath. Inflorescences with peduncle to 1.6 cm long.
ranges from Mexico to Panama; it also occurs in eastern and southern Brazil.
I have seen only one collection from Panama. Stand- ley & Williams' (1975) description reads, "Inflorescence mostly 2-4-flowered; bracts linear or foliaceous; calyx and hypanthium long-hirsute; calyx lobes linear or oblong linear, acute, 2-4 mm long; corolla 12 mm long, purplish white or sometimes blue; fruit densely hirsute, bright blue or sometimes greenish white."