Themeda quadrivalvis (L.) Kuntze | Sahni, M. & S. S. Bir. 1985. SOCGI plant chromosome number reports -- III. J. Cytol. Genet. 20: 205–206. | 86-87 | 9 | |
Themeda quadrivalvis (L.) Kuntze | Birari, S. P. 1980. Apomixis and sexuality in Themeda Forssk. at different ploidy levels (Gramineae). Genetica 54: 133–139. 5. | 79-81 | | 40 |
Themeda quadrivalvis (L.) Kuntze | Birari, S. P. 1981. Polyploidy in species of Themeda Forssk. Caryologia 34: 301–310. | 79-81 | | 40 |