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Authors: Cornejo Sotomayor, Xavier Francisco
Mori, Scott Alan
Aguilar Fernández, Reinaldo Alexis de Jesús
Stevens, Hannah I.
Douwes, Francine
Title Page Year: 2012
Article Title: Phytogeography of the trees of the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica
Publication: BrittoniaJSTOR vol. 1- current
Full Title: Brittonia
World List Short Title: Brittonia. New York.
World List Title: Brittonia
World List Publisher: New York, USA
MO Library Title: Brittonia
MO Call Number: QK1.B762; EWAN
BPH Number: 230.01
Series/dates: v. 1+, 1931/35+
Collation: 64(1): 76–101
Keywords: Costa Rica, Mesoamerica, Osa Peninsula
Reference Kind: Journal Article
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