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Published In: Species Plantarum 1: 273. 1753. (1 May 1753) (Sp. Pl.) Name publication detailView in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 8/4/2017)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 8/3/2009)


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1. Aralia L. (spikenard)

Plants perennial herbs, shrubs, or trees, with long-creeping rhizomes. Leaves all basal from rhizomes or alternate along the aerial stems (sometimes appearing fascicled along short branches in A. spinosa), deciduous, 2 or more times compound, pinnately compound or with 3 main divisions, these in turn 1 or 2 times pinnately compound. Leaflets tapered or narrowed to a sharp point at the tip, the bases rounded or narrowed, sometimes cordate, sometimes slightly asymmetrical, the margins toothed. Inflorescences consisting of 2 to numerous umbels arranged into compound umbels, racemes, or panicles. Sepals 5 low, broadly triangular teeth. Petals oblong-elliptic. Styles (4)5(6), sometimes fused together toward the base. Fruits globose, somewhat (4)5(6)-lobed, with (4)5(6) stones. Thirty to 38 species, North America, Asia, Malesia.


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1 1. Plants shrubs or trees, the stems spiny ... 3. A. SPINOSA

Aralia spinosa
2 1. Plants perennial herbs (sometimes slightly woody at the base in A. racemosa), without spines

3 2. Aerial stems absent; leaf usually solitary from the tip of the rhizome, the 3 primary divisions each pinnately divided into 3–5 leaflets; inflorescence solitary from the rhizome, a compound umbel with (2)3(–7) umbels ... 1. A. NUDICAULIS

Aralia nudicaulis
4 2. Aerial stems present; leaves 2 or more along each aerial stem, the 3 primary divisions each pinnately divided into 9–21 leaflets; inflorescences at the tip of the aerial stem and sometimes also axillary, panicles or less commonly racemes of umbels ... 2. A. RACEMOSA Aralia racemosa
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