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Specimen coordinates in square brackets [ ] have been approximated based on political units.
Country UpperLowerElevationLatitudeLongitudeDateQual.CollectorsColl NoInstitutions
KenyaCoastTana-River 500 m 00°15'00"S 038°42'00"E May. 1983 G.M. Mungai367K
KenyaCoastTana-River 00°28'00"S 039°33'00"E January 1940 RITCHIEin Bally E161K
KenyaEasternMarsabit 01°31'00"N 037°44'00"E 25 November 1977 P.E. Brandham2444 
KenyaNorth-EasternGarissa 01°49'00"N 037°38'00"E 21 October 1994 L.E. Newton & J.G.L. Powys4504K
KenyaNorth-EasternGarissa 01°03'00"N 038°30'00"E January 1941 KIRKWOODin Bally E147K
KenyaNorth-EasternGarissa 740 m 00°39'00"N 037°40'00"E 14 June 1979 Michael G. Gilbert5657EA
KenyaNorth-EasternGarissa 01°49'00"N 037°38'00"E 21 October 1994 L.E. Newton & J.G.L. Powys4504EA
KenyaNorth-EasternGarissa 740 m 00°39'00"N 037°40'00"E 14 June 1979 Michael G. Gilbert5657K
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