Accepted By:
Alejandro, G. D. & S. Liede-Schumann. 2003. The Philippine Rubiaceae Genera: Updated Synopsis in INTKEY Databases of the DELTA System. Blumea 48: 261-277.
Biag, R. D. & G. D. Alejandro. 2021. Rubiaceae flora of nothern Sierra Madre National Park, Isabela, Luzon, Philippines: Species richness, distribution, and conservation status. Philipp. J. Sci. 150(3): 907–921.
Batuyong, M. A. R., M. J. A. Calaramo & G. D. Alejandro. 2021. Inventory of Rubiaceae species in Mt. Pao Range, Ilocos Norte, northwestern Luzon, Philippines. Biodiversitas 22(8): 3604-3612.