Literature Based Distribution
Mapping will be based on a standard reference mark based on political units when available.
Guatemala | | | Taylor, C. M., D. H. Lorence & R. E. Gereau | 2010 | Rubiacearum americanarum magna hama pars XXV: The nocturnally flowering Psychotria domingensis-Coussarea hondensis group plus three other Mesoamerican Psychotria species transfer to Palicourea | Novon | 20(4): 481–492 |
Guatemala | | | Davidse, G., M. Sousa Sánchez, S. Knapp & F. Chiang Cabrera | 2012 | Rubiaceae a Verbenaceae | Fl. Mesoamer. | 4(2): i–xvi, 1–533 |
Mexico | Chiapas | | Villaseñor Ríos, J. L. | 2016 | Checklist of the native vascular plants of Mexico/Catálogo de las plantas vasculares nativas de México | Revista Mex. Biodivers. | 87(3): 559–902 |
Mexico | Chiapas | | Davidse, G., M. Sousa Sánchez, S. Knapp & F. Chiang Cabrera | 2012 | Rubiaceae a Verbenaceae | Fl. Mesoamer. | 4(2): i–xvi, 1–533 |
Mexico | Chiapas | | Taylor, C. M., D. H. Lorence & R. E. Gereau | 2010 | Rubiacearum americanarum magna hama pars XXV: The nocturnally flowering Psychotria domingensis-Coussarea hondensis group plus three other Mesoamerican Psychotria species transfer to Palicourea | Novon | 20(4): 481–492 |