Key to Neotropical Genera of Palicoureeae
1. Plants terrestrial, creeping, regularly rooting at the nodes.
2. Stipules triangular, acute to acuminate; mature fruits red, orange, or black; pyrenes straight or twisted....Geophila
2. Stipules bilobed; mature fruits white to blue or purple-black; pyrenes straight..... Palicourea p.p.
1'. Plants terrestrial and erect, or recumbent and epiphytic.
3. Plants epiphytic........... Notopleura subg. Viscagoga
3'. Plants terrestrial.
4. Inflorescences consistently pseudoaxillary (i.e., borne in one axil of a node) and produced at nodes below the stem apex..... Notopleura subg. Notopleura
4'. Inflorescences terminal, or occasionally produced terminally at the stem apex but then later put into a pseudoaxillary position when the stem continues growing from an axillary bud.
5. Stipules caducous and the stems with a ring of persistent short trichomes or colleters that are intially covered by the stipule and are then exposed when the stipule falls off; mature fruit orange or red..... Psychotria s. str.
5'. Stipules persistent, or persistent on the apical 1-3 nodes of the stem and then becoming fragmenting and falling off in pieces as they get old, with the basal portion generally still attached to the stem and persistent trichomes or colleters absent or still covered by this part of the stipule; mature fruit orange, red, white, blue, purple, or purple black, when purple or black the fruits sometimes pass through an orange to red immature stage.
6. Stipules multifid to fimbriate, with numerous slender lobes that are glandular at the tips.
7. Stipules bilobed in overall outline..... Palicourea p.p.
7'. Stipules triangular to rounded in overall outline.
8. Pyrenes twisted..... Carapichea ipecacuanha
8'. Pyrenes straight.....Rudgea p.p.
6. Stipules entire to bilobed, with lobes when present glandular or not.
8. Stipules truncate with a gland or group of glands inserted medially (i.e., in the middle of the sheath)....Rudgea p.p.
8'. Stipules rounded to emarginate, triangular, or bilobed, without medial glands.
9. Stipules becoming indurated and fragmented with age; mature fruit red or orange.
10. Stems with internodes weakly flattened to rounded; stipules generally not glandular..... Carapichea p.p.
10'. Stems generally flattened with internodes costate (i.e., longitudinally ridged); stipules generally glandular at apex or tips of lobes.....Eumachia
9' Stipules not changing texture and form with age, or sometimes becoming indurated and/or fragmented; mature fruit white, blue, purple, or purple black (in some species the fruits pass through an orange or red immature stage).
11. Stipules not much changing texture and form with age.... Palicourea p.p.
11'. Stipules becoming indurated and/or fragmented with age.
12. Mature fruit white or dark blue......... Carapichea p.p.
12'. Mature fruit bright blue, purple-black, or black..... Palicourea p.p.