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Glosario Ilustrado: Musgos
Fam. Gén. Musgos Andes Trop.
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Microcalpe subsimplex (Hedw.) W.R. Buck Search in The Plant ListSearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in Muséum national d'Histoire naturelleSearch in Type Specimen Register of the U.S. National HerbariumSearch in Virtual Herbaria AustriaSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Published In: Taxon 66(4): 824. 2017. (18 August 2017) (Taxon) Name publication detail

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 11/14/2020)
Acceptance : Accepted
Note : Previously as Sematophyllum subsimplex (Hedw.) Mitt.
Project Data     (Last Modified On 11/14/2020)
Plant Category: Mosses
country distribution: Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia
EcoRegions: Montane Forest, Coastal Atlantic, Wet coastal pacific (Chocó), Amazon (incl. Llanos)
elevation: 0-500, 500-1000, 1000-1500
substrate: soil, rocks, logs, treelets and trees
frequency: common

Notes     (Last Modified On 11/14/2020)

Ecology: Lowland to premontane forest; in partial to full shaded sites, typically found on logs and base of trees, also soil and rocks. Elevation: 20-1900 m (Venezuela: 40-1500 m, Colombia: 20-1350 m, Ecuador: 150-1600 m, Peru: 100-1900? m, Bolivia: 100-1500 m). Distribution: Widespread in the neotropical lowlands.

Ecología: Desde tierras bajas hasta bosques premontanos; en sitios parcial a completamente sombreados, es encontrada típicamente sobre leños y base de árboles, también sobre suelo y rocas. Elevación: 20-1900 m (Venezuela: 40-1500 m, Colombia: 20-1350 m, Ecuador: 150-1600 m, Perú: 100-1900 m, Bolivia: 180-1500 m). Distribución: Ampliamente distribuida en tierras bajas tropicales.

Microcalpe subsimplex is characterized by prostrate plants with spreading ± pinnate branches, ovate-lanceolate leaves mostly to 1(1.2) mm, gradually long acuminate apices (especially on stem leaves), subentire or above weakly serrulate margins, apical and upper median cells similar in length, alar region ± well defined, inflated alar cells, and mostly 1-2 row of supra-alar cells. This is the most common species of the humid lowlands and a typical element of the Amazon forest. Records above 1000 m should be re-examined. A few collections have been examined with the upper lamina cells unipapillose; these may represent, as with Acroporium pungens, a rare expression of M. subsimplex. Previously placed in Sematophyllum.

Microcalpe subsimplex se caracteriza por las plantas postradas con ramas patentes ± pinnadas, hojas ovado-lanceoladas generalmente hasta 1(1.2) mm, ápices gradualmente largo acuminados (especialmente en las hojas del tallo), márgenes subenteros o débilmente serrulados en la porción distal, células apicales y mediales superiores similares en longitud, región alar ± bien definida, células alar infladas, y generalmente 1-2 filas de células supra-alares. Esta es la especie muy común en tierras bajas húmedas y un elemento típico del bosque amazónico.

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