Palicourea campyloneuroides is characterized by the combination of its hirsute to hirtellous pubescence, medium-sized leaves with relatively numerous secondary veins (25 to 31 pairs) and well-developed intersecondary veins, well-developed laminar to shortly tubular stipules that are deeply bilobed, corymbiform-rounded inflorescences that are deflexed to pendulous on usually well-developed peduncles, flowers grouped into one to a few heads enclosed by bracts 7–8 mm long, calyx limbs with a truncate tubular portion 1–1.2 mm long and narrowly triangular, hirtellous lobes 1–3 mm long, corolla tubes ca. 8 mm long, and narrowly ellipsoid small fruits.
Palicourea campyloneurioides is provisionally included here in Palicourea Subg. Montanae ser. 4, but it may belong to Palicourea sect. Bracteiflorae. This species is generally similar to and allopatric with Palicourea croatii.