Stelis sect. Pseudostelis (Schltr.) Karremans Search in IPNISearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in SEINetAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font
Group: Monocot Rank: section Kind: Name with Basionym Herbarium Placement: Lehmann, lower, D, 50

Authors: Published In: Lankesteriana: La Revista Cientifica del Jardín Botánico Lankester 19(3): 305. 2019. (17 Dec 2019) (Lankesteriana) Name publication detail
Annotation: published online 17 Dec 2019; page numbered "305" is actually p. 295
Pseudostelis Schltr. 
Higher Taxa:     Taxonomy Browser
Concept:    details
Other names with  Pseudostelis Schltr.  as basionym:
Pleurothallis subg. Pseudostelis (Schltr.) Luer
Projects: Mesoamericana

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