Filago discolor (DC.) Andrés-Sánchez & Galbany
Andrés-Sánchez, S., M. Galbany Casals, E. Rico & M. M. Martínez Ortega. 2011. A nomenclatural treatment for Logfia Cass. and Filago L. (Asteraceae) as newly circumscribed: Typification of several names. Taxon 60(2): 572–576.
Galbany Casals, M., S. Andrés-Sánchez, N. Garcia-Jacas, A. Susanna, E. Rico & M. M. Martínez Ortega. 2010. How many of Cassini anagrams should there be? Molecular systematics and phylogenetic relationships in the Filago group (Asteraceae, Gnaphalieae), with special focus on the genus Filago. Taxon 59(6): 1671–1689.