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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 7/30/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 7/30/2013)
Species Mendoncia gracilis Turrill
PlaceOfPublication Kew Bull. 418. 1919.
Note TYPE: Mesa Grande on Rio Negro, Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, Lehmann 8792 (Kew, not seen).
Description Suffrutescent vine, young stems strigose to sericeous and quadrangular. Leaves elliptic to elliptic ovate, to 12 cm long and 7 cm wide, apically acuminate, often with a mucro to 2 mm long, basally rounded to acute, the veins prominent, usually 4 pairs, strigose beneath and above, hairs above arising from stellate bases, the margins entire; petiole to 2 cm long, mostly 1.5 cm long, strigose to sericeous. Inflorescence axillary, the pedicels borne singly or in pairs, 1.5-2.0 cm long, strigose to sericeous; bracts ovate, entire, to 18 mm long and 13 mm wide, apiculate, basally rounded, glabrous inside, strigose to sericeous outside. Flowers with the calyx reduced to an entire membranous cup ca. 1 mm deep, glabrous; corolla white, funnelform, to ca. 3 cm long, basally 3 mm wide, 61 mm wide at the throat, the throat lined with reddish brown, oblique, the lobes 5-6 mm long, 4-5 mm wide, emarginate, the tube glandular puberulous inside below the stamens, glabrous outside, the throat glandular puberulous just above the stamens, the remainder of corolla glabrous. Fruits (immature) ovoid.
Habit vine
Note This species occurs along trails and openings in rain forests
Distribution Panama and Colombia.
Specimen CANAL ZONE: Pipeline Road 3 mi from Gamboa gate, Croat 15097 (MO). Barro Colo- rado Island, Croat 16519, 16530 (both MO); Ebinger 645 (MO). PANAMA: El Jefe, Duke 9443 (MO).
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