Belize | | | Daniel, T. F. | 1995 | Acanthaceae | Fl. Chiapas | 4: 1–158 |
Belize | | | Balick, M. J., M. H. Nee & D.E. Atha | 2000 | Checklist of the vascular plants of Belize | Mem. New York Bot. Gard. | 85: i–ix, 1–246 |
Belize | | | Daniel, T. F. | 2005 | Catalog of Honduran Acanthaceae with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 24: 51–108 |
Belize | Belize | | Daniel, T. F. | 1997 | Catalog of the Acanthaceae of Belize with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 21: 161–174 |
Belize | Cayo | | Daniel, T. F. | 1997 | Catalog of the Acanthaceae of Belize with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 21: 161–174 |
Belize | Corozal | | Daniel, T. F. | 1997 | Catalog of the Acanthaceae of Belize with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 21: 161–174 |
Belize | Orange Walk | | Daniel, T. F. | 1997 | Catalog of the Acanthaceae of Belize with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 21: 161–174 |
Belize | Stann Creek | | Daniel, T. F. | 1997 | Catalog of the Acanthaceae of Belize with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 21: 161–174 |
Belize | Toledo | | Daniel, T. F. | 1997 | Catalog of the Acanthaceae of Belize with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 21: 161–174 |
Bolivia | | | Daniel, T. F. | 2005 | Catalog of Honduran Acanthaceae with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 24: 51–108 |
Caribbean | | | Daniel, T. F. | 1995 | Acanthaceae | Fl. Chiapas | 4: 1–158 |
Caribbean | | | Daniel, T. F. | 2005 | Catalog of Honduran Acanthaceae with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 24: 51–108 |
Caribbean | Haiti | | Nelson, C. H. | 2008 | (none) | Cat. Pl. Vasc. Honduras | i–xxix, 31–1576 |
Caribbean | Jamaica | | Nelson, C. H. | 2008 | (none) | Cat. Pl. Vasc. Honduras | i–xxix, 31–1576 |
Caribbean | Leeward Islands | Dominica | Nelson, C. H. | 2008 | (none) | Cat. Pl. Vasc. Honduras | i–xxix, 31–1576 |
Colombia | | | Daniel, T. F. | 1995 | Acanthaceae | Fl. Chiapas | 4: 1–158 |
Colombia | | | Daniel, T. F. | 2005 | Catalog of Honduran Acanthaceae with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 24: 51–108 |
Colombia | Antioquia | | Idárraga-Piedrahita, A., R. del C. Ortiz, R. Callejas Posada & M. Merello | 2011 | Listado de las plantas vasculares del departamento de Antioquia | Fl. Antioquia: Cat. | 2: 9–939 |
Costa Rica | | | Daniel, T. F. | 1995 | Acanthaceae | Fl. Chiapas | 4: 1–158 |
Costa Rica | | | Daniel, T. F. | 2005 | Catalog of Honduran Acanthaceae with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 24: 51–108 |
Ecuador | | | Porter, D. M. | 1983 | Vascular plants of the Galapagos: Origins and dispersal | Patt. Evol. Galapagos Org. | 33–54 |
Ecuador | | | Daniel, T. F. | 2005 | Catalog of Honduran Acanthaceae with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 24: 51–108 |
Ecuador | Azuay | | Jørgensen, P. M. & S. León-Yánez | 1999 | Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Ecuador | Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. | 75: i–viii, 1–1181 |
Ecuador | Cotopaxi | | Jørgensen, P. M. & S. León-Yánez | 1999 | Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Ecuador | Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. | 75: i–viii, 1–1181 |
Ecuador | El Oro | | Jørgensen, P. M. & S. León-Yánez | 1999 | Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Ecuador | Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. | 75: i–viii, 1–1181 |
Ecuador | Esmeraldas | | Jørgensen, P. M. & S. León-Yánez | 1999 | Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Ecuador | Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. | 75: i–viii, 1–1181 |
Ecuador | Galapagos | | Jørgensen, P. M. & S. León-Yánez | 1999 | Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Ecuador | Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. | 75: i–viii, 1–1181 |
Ecuador | Galapagos | | Porter, D. M. | 1983 | Vascular plants of the Galapagos: Origins and dispersal | Patt. Evol. Galapagos Org. | 33–54 |
Ecuador | Guayas | | Jørgensen, P. M. & S. León-Yánez | 1999 | Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Ecuador | Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. | 75: i–viii, 1–1181 |
Ecuador | Los Ríos | | Jørgensen, P. M. & S. León-Yánez | 1999 | Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Ecuador | Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. | 75: i–viii, 1–1181 |
Ecuador | Manabí | | Jørgensen, P. M. & S. León-Yánez | 1999 | Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Ecuador | Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. | 75: i–viii, 1–1181 |
Ecuador | Morona-Santiago | | Jørgensen, P. M. & S. León-Yánez | 1999 | Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Ecuador | Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. | 75: i–viii, 1–1181 |
Ecuador | Napo | | Jørgensen, P. M. & S. León-Yánez | 1999 | Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Ecuador | Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. | 75: i–viii, 1–1181 |
El Salvador | | | Berendsohn, W. G. & A.E. Araniva de González | 1989 | Listado básico de la Flora Salvadorensis: Dicotyledonae, Sympetalae (pro parte): Labiatae, Bignoniaceae, Acanthaceae, Pedaliaceae, Martyniaceae, Gesneriaceae, Compositae | Cuscatlania | 1(3): 290–1–290–13 |
El Salvador | | | Daniel, T. F. | 1995 | Acanthaceae | Fl. Chiapas | 4: 1–158 |
El Salvador | | | Daniel, T. F. | 2005 | Catalog of Honduran Acanthaceae with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 24: 51–108 |
El Salvador | Ahuachapán | | Daniel, T. F. | 2001 | Catalog of Acanthaceae in El Salvador | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 23: 115–137 |
El Salvador | La Libertad | | Daniel, T. F. | 2001 | Catalog of Acanthaceae in El Salvador | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 23: 115–137 |
El Salvador | La Paz | | Daniel, T. F. | 2001 | Catalog of Acanthaceae in El Salvador | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 23: 115–137 |
El Salvador | Morazán | | Daniel, T. F. | 2001 | Catalog of Acanthaceae in El Salvador | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 23: 115–137 |
El Salvador | San Salvador | | Daniel, T. F. | 2001 | Catalog of Acanthaceae in El Salvador | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 23: 115–137 |
El Salvador | Sonsonate | | Daniel, T. F. | 2001 | Catalog of Acanthaceae in El Salvador | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 23: 115–137 |
French Guiana | | | Daniel, T. F. | 1995 | Acanthaceae | Fl. Chiapas | 4: 1–158 |
French Guiana | | | Daniel, T. F. | 2005 | Catalog of Honduran Acanthaceae with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 24: 51–108 |
French Guiana | | | Funk, V. A., T. H. Hollowell, P. E. Berry, C. L. Kelloff & S. Alexander | 2007 | Checklist of the plants of the Guiana Shield (Venezuela: Amazonas, Bolivar, Delta Amacuro; Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana) | Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. | 55: 1–584 |
Guatemala | | | Daniel, T. F. | 1995 | Acanthaceae | Fl. Chiapas | 4: 1–158 |
Guatemala | | | Daniel, T. F. | 2005 | Catalog of Honduran Acanthaceae with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 24: 51–108 |
Guyana | | | Daniel, T. F. | 1995 | Acanthaceae | Fl. Chiapas | 4: 1–158 |
Guyana | | | Daniel, T. F. | 2005 | Catalog of Honduran Acanthaceae with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 24: 51–108 |
Guyana | | | Funk, V. A., T. H. Hollowell, P. E. Berry, C. L. Kelloff & S. Alexander | 2007 | Checklist of the plants of the Guiana Shield (Venezuela: Amazonas, Bolivar, Delta Amacuro; Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana) | Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. | 55: 1–584 |
Honduras | | | Daniel, T. F. | 1995 | Acanthaceae | Fl. Chiapas | 4: 1–158 |
Honduras | | | Daniel, T. F. | 2005 | Catalog of Honduran Acanthaceae with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 24: 51–108 |
Honduras | | | Nelson, C. H. | 2008 | (none) | Cat. Pl. Vasc. Honduras | i–xxix, 31–1576 |
Honduras | Atlántida | | Daniel, T. F. | 2005 | Catalog of Honduran Acanthaceae with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 24: 51–108 |
Honduras | Choluteca | | Daniel, T. F. | 2005 | Catalog of Honduran Acanthaceae with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 24: 51–108 |
Honduras | Colón | Trujillo | Daniel, T. F. | 2005 | Catalog of Honduran Acanthaceae with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 24: 51–108 |
Honduras | Comayagua | | Daniel, T. F. | 2005 | Catalog of Honduran Acanthaceae with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 24: 51–108 |
Honduras | Copán | | Daniel, T. F. | 2005 | Catalog of Honduran Acanthaceae with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 24: 51–108 |
Honduras | Cortés | | Daniel, T. F. | 2005 | Catalog of Honduran Acanthaceae with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 24: 51–108 |
Honduras | El Paraíso | | Daniel, T. F. | 2005 | Catalog of Honduran Acanthaceae with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 24: 51–108 |
Honduras | Francisco Morazán | | Daniel, T. F. | 2005 | Catalog of Honduran Acanthaceae with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 24: 51–108 |
Honduras | Gracias a Dios | | Daniel, T. F. | 2005 | Catalog of Honduran Acanthaceae with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 24: 51–108 |
Honduras | Intibucá | | Daniel, T. F. | 2005 | Catalog of Honduran Acanthaceae with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 24: 51–108 |
Honduras | Islas de la Bahía | | Nelson, C. H. & G.R. Proctor | 1994 | Vascular plants of the Caribbean Swan Islands of Honduras | Brenesia | 41–42: 73–80 |
Honduras | Islas de la Bahía | | Daniel, T. F. | 2005 | Catalog of Honduran Acanthaceae with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 24: 51–108 |
Honduras | Islas de la Bahía | Roatán | Daniel, T. F. | 2005 | Catalog of Honduran Acanthaceae with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 24: 51–108 |
Honduras | La Paz | | Daniel, T. F. | 2005 | Catalog of Honduran Acanthaceae with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 24: 51–108 |
Honduras | Ocotepeque | | Daniel, T. F. | 2005 | Catalog of Honduran Acanthaceae with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 24: 51–108 |
Honduras | Olancho | | Daniel, T. F. | 2005 | Catalog of Honduran Acanthaceae with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 24: 51–108 |
Honduras | Santa Bárbara | | Daniel, T. F. | 2005 | Catalog of Honduran Acanthaceae with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 24: 51–108 |
Honduras | Valle | | Daniel, T. F. | 2005 | Catalog of Honduran Acanthaceae with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 24: 51–108 |
Honduras | Yoro | | Daniel, T. F. | 2005 | Catalog of Honduran Acanthaceae with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 24: 51–108 |
Mexico | | | Gómez-Domínguez, H., M.Á. Pérez-Farrera, J. A. Espinoza Jiménez & M. I. Marquez Reynoso | 2015 | Listado florístico del Parque Nacional Palenque, Chiapas, México | Bot. Sci. | 93(3): 559–578 |
Mexico | | | Cowan, C. P. | 1983 | Flora de Tabasco | Listados Floríst. México | 1: 1–123 |
Mexico | | | Daniel, T. F. | 2005 | Catalog of Honduran Acanthaceae with taxonomic and phytogeographic notes | Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. | 24: 51–108 |
Mexico | Campeche | | Carnevali Fernández-Concha, G., J. L. Tapia-Muñoz, R. Duno de Stefano & I. M. Ramírez Morillo | 2010 | (none) | Fl. Ilustr. Peníns. Yucatán | 1–326 |
Mexico | Campeche | | Daniel, T. F. | 1995 | Acanthaceae | Fl. Chiapas | 4: 1–158 |
Mexico | Campeche | | Martínez Salas, E. M., M. Sousa Sánchez & C. H. Ramos Álvarez | 2001 | Región de Calakmul, Campeche | Listados Floríst. México | 22: 1–55 |
Mexico | Chiapas | | Daniel, T. F. | 1995 | New and reconsidered Mexican Acanthaceae. VI. Chiapas | Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., ser. 4, | 48(13): 253–284 |
Mexico | Chiapas | | Daniel, T. F. | 1995 | Acanthaceae | Fl. Chiapas | 4: 1–158 |
Mexico | Chiapas | | Gómez-Domínguez, H., M.Á. Pérez-Farrera, J. A. Espinoza Jiménez & M. I. Marquez Reynoso | 2015 | Listado florístico del Parque Nacional Palenque, Chiapas, México | Bot. Sci. | 93(3): 559–578 |
Mexico | Chiapas | | Carnevali Fernández-Concha, G., J. L. Tapia-Muñoz, R. Duno de Stefano & I. M. Ramírez Morillo | 2010 | (none) | Fl. Ilustr. Peníns. Yucatán | 1–326 |
Mexico | Guerrero | | Carnevali Fernández-Concha, G., J. L. Tapia-Muñoz, R. Duno de Stefano & I. M. Ramírez Morillo | 2010 | (none) | Fl. Ilustr. Peníns. Yucatán | 1–326 |
Mexico | Hidalgo | | Carnevali Fernández-Concha, G., J. L. Tapia-Muñoz, R. Duno de Stefano & I. M. Ramírez Morillo | 2010 | (none) | Fl. Ilustr. Peníns. Yucatán | 1–326 |
Mexico | Jalisco | | Carnevali Fernández-Concha, G., J. L. Tapia-Muñoz, R. Duno de Stefano & I. M. Ramírez Morillo | 2010 | (none) | Fl. Ilustr. Peníns. Yucatán | 1–326 |
Mexico | Jalisco | | Daniel, T. F. | 1995 | Acanthaceae | Fl. Chiapas | 4: 1–158 |
Mexico | México | | Carnevali Fernández-Concha, G., J. L. Tapia-Muñoz, R. Duno de Stefano & I. M. Ramírez Morillo | 2010 | (none) | Fl. Ilustr. Peníns. Yucatán | 1–326 |
Mexico | Michoacán | | Carnevali Fernández-Concha, G., J. L. Tapia-Muñoz, R. Duno de Stefano & I. M. Ramírez Morillo | 2010 | (none) | Fl. Ilustr. Peníns. Yucatán | 1–326 |
Mexico | Morelos | | Carnevali Fernández-Concha, G., J. L. Tapia-Muñoz, R. Duno de Stefano & I. M. Ramírez Morillo | 2010 | (none) | Fl. Ilustr. Peníns. Yucatán | 1–326 |
Mexico | Nayarit | | Carnevali Fernández-Concha, G., J. L. Tapia-Muñoz, R. Duno de Stefano & I. M. Ramírez Morillo | 2010 | (none) | Fl. Ilustr. Peníns. Yucatán | 1–326 |
Mexico | Nayarit | | Daniel, T. F. | 1995 | Acanthaceae | Fl. Chiapas | 4: 1–158 |
Mexico | Nuevo León | | Carnevali Fernández-Concha, G., J. L. Tapia-Muñoz, R. Duno de Stefano & I. M. Ramírez Morillo | 2010 | (none) | Fl. Ilustr. Peníns. Yucatán | 1–326 |
Mexico | Oaxaca | | Carnevali Fernández-Concha, G., J. L. Tapia-Muñoz, R. Duno de Stefano & I. M. Ramírez Morillo | 2010 | (none) | Fl. Ilustr. Peníns. Yucatán | 1–326 |
Mexico | Oaxaca | | García-Mendoza, A. J. & J. A. Meave del Castillo | 2011 | (none) | Divers. Floríst. Oaxaca | 1–351 |
Mexico | Oaxaca | | Daniel, T. F. | 1995 | Acanthaceae | Fl. Chiapas | 4: 1–158 |
Mexico | Querétaro | | Daniel, T. F. | 1995 | Acanthaceae | Fl. Chiapas | 4: 1–158 |
Mexico | Querétaro | | Carnevali Fernández-Concha, G., J. L. Tapia-Muñoz, R. Duno de Stefano & I. M. Ramírez Morillo | 2010 | (none) | Fl. Ilustr. Peníns. Yucatán | 1–326 |
Mexico | Quintana Roo | | Carnevali Fernández-Concha, G., J. L. Tapia-Muñoz, R. Duno de Stefano & I. M. Ramírez Morillo | 2010 | (none) | Fl. Ilustr. Peníns. Yucatán | 1–326 |
Mexico | Quintana Roo | | Daniel, T. F. | 1995 | Acanthaceae | Fl. Chiapas | 4: 1–158 |
Mexico | San Luis Potosí | | Daniel, T. F. | 1995 | Acanthaceae | Fl. Chiapas | 4: 1–158 |