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Name ReferenceIPCN ReferenceGametophytic CountSporophytic CountCountry 
Galanthus nivalis L.Sveshnikova, L. I. 1988. Chromosome numbers in some members of the Amaryllidaceae, Liliaceae, Ranunculaceae, Asteraceae in the flora of the USSR. Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 73: 1358–1359. 88-89 24+0-2B
Galanthus nivalis L.Sveshnikova, L. I. & V. V. Krichfalushij. 1985. Chromosome numbers in some representatives of the families Amaryllidaceae and Liliaceae in the flora of Ukraine and Georgia. Bot. Zhurn. SSSR 70(8): 1130–1131. (In Russian). 84-85 24, 24+I-3B,24+10B
Galanthus nivalis L.Krichphalushi, V. V. 1989. Sravnitelno-karyologicheskoe issledovanie prirodnykh populacij efemeroidov Karpat. Pp. 25--27 in Tesizy II Symp. Plant Karyology. 88-89 24
Galanthus nivalis L.Sveshnikova, L. I. 1991. The chromosome polymorphism in natural populations of Galanthus nivalis (Amaryllidaceae). Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 76: 957–971. 90-91 24+1--10B
Galanthus nivalis L.Druskovic, B. & M. Lovka. 1995. IOPB chromosome data 9. Int. Organ. Pl. Biosyst. Newslett. (Zurich) 24: 15–19. 94-95 24
Galanthus nivalis L.D'Amato, G. F. & G. Bianchi. 1999. The chromosome banding of some Italian Amaryllidaceae. Caryologia 52: 87–92. 98-00 24
Galanthus nivalis L.Micieta, K. 1981. Zytotaxonomische probleme einiger Pflanzensippen des Javorniky-Gebirges. Acta Fac. Rerum Nat. Univ. Comenianae, Bot. 28: 95–104. 79-81 24
Galanthus nivalis L.Javurkova, V. 1980. In Chromosome number reports LXIX. Taxon 29: 713–714. 79-81 24
Galanthus nivalis L.Uhrikova, A. 1974. In Index to chromosome numbers of Slovakian flora. Part 4. Acta Fac. Rerum Nat. Univ. Comenianae, Bot. 23: 1–23. 75-78 24
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