(Last Modified On 7/23/2013)
(Last Modified On 7/23/2013)
Macleania epiphytica A. C. Smith
Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 28: 439. 1941.
TYPE: Panama: Allen 2171 (A, holotype).
Epiphytic shrub 0.5-1 m tall, vegetatively glabrous throughout; branchlets terete. Leaf blades drying coriaceous, oblong elliptic to ovate, 5-8(-10.5) cm long, 2-3(-5) cm wide, basally rounded or broadly obtuse, apically acute to rounded, entire and with a thickened ridgelike border, 5-plinerved, the veins almost plane to moderately prominent above and slightly elevated beneath, the midvein prominently elevated beneath, the veinlets inconspicuous; petioles thick, drying corrugated, 4-8 mm long. Inflorescences axillary, usually in the axils of the upper leaves, fasciculate or obscurely racemose, 2-4-flowered; pedicels stout, 5-11 mm long, bracts minute, triangular to deltoid, 0.5-1.0 mm long, bracteoles 2, papery, ovate to deltoid, acute, 0.6-1.2 mm long borne at or a little above the middle. Flowers with the hypanthium articulate with the pedicel, prismatic to cylindric at anthesis, 3-5 mm long and distinctly 5-angled, glabrous; calyx limb suberect and about 2 mm high including the lobes, the lobes 0.5-1 mm long, triangular to broadly deltoid with acute to rounded sinuses; corolla tube thinly fleshy, cylindrical at anthesis, glabrous, 17-18 mm long, basally 3-5 mm in diameter, slightly contracted apically, bright red to scarlet, the lobes 5, deltoid to narrowly oblong, acute, 1.5-3 mm long, dark green, in- ternally whitish puberulent; stamens 10, the filaments membranaceous, ca. 3 mm long, distinct, the sacs 4-4.5 mm long with a single rigid tubule ca. 3 mm long opening by an oval cleft 2.5 mm long; style about as long as the corolla.
known only from the mountains of central Panama.
There is now reasonable question as to the distinction of M. epiphytica from M. insignis. The primary basis for separating the two species has rested upon the separate filaments of M. epiphytica in contrast to the connate filaments of M. insignis. However populations and specimens have been encountered in Panama with connate, weakly coherent, and separate filaments. Dark green corolla lobes are often noted as occurring on the specimens with separate fila- ments but this has not been noted on the more northern specimens of M. insignis with connate filaments. It is urged that careful notes be made of the flower colors exhibited by these plants.
COCLE: Hills N of El Valle de Anton, 1000 m, Allen 2171 (A). Trail beyond La Mesa towards Los Llanos, N of El Valle de Anton, 800-860 m, Luteyn 3166, 31 73a, 4095 (all DUKE). COLON: Rio Guanche, D'Arcy 9712 (MO). Along road into Santa Rita, E of Agua Clara rain gauge, Kennedy 2742 (MO). Rain forest, Santa Rita Ridge, 5.5-6 mi E of Trans- isthmian Highway, Lewis et al. 5376 (MO) Santa Rita Ridge Road, 14 km from Boyd- Roosevelt Highway, Mori & Kallunki 4920 (MO). PANAMIA: Primary forest along road from El Llano to Carti-Tupile, 12 mi from Panamerican Highway, 200-500 m, Croat 22904 (MO). Cerro Campana, 3000 ft, Duke 10726(3) (MO). 19 km above Panamerican Highway, on road from El Llano to Carti-Tupile, 200-500 m, Kennedy 2551 (MO). Cloud forest, Cerro Campana, 2600-2800 ft, Lewis et al. 1941 (MO). Primary forest along El Llano-Cartl-Tupile road, 12 mi above Panamerican Highway, 200-500 m, Liesner 1219 (DUKE, MO). Road to Cerro Campana just below Villa Las Minas, 800-900 m, Luteyn 3186 (DUKE, MO). Cerro Jefe, 3000 ft, Luteyn & Kennedy 3964 (DUKE). Cerro Campana cloud forest, 850 m, Luteyn 3978 (DUKE). El Llano-Cartl-Tupile Road, 10-12 km N of Interamerican Highway, 500 m, Luteyn & Wilbur 4665 (DUKE). VERAGUAS: NW of Santa Fe, 4.2 km from Escuela Agricola Alto de Piedra, Mori & Kallunki 4825 (MO). Road beyond Escuela Agricola Alto Piedra above Santa Fe, Pacific watershed, 800-1000 m, Luteyn & Wilbur 4565 (DUKE, NY).
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