A much-branched monoecious shrub up to 4.5 m. Young shoots tomentose, later puberulous. Petioles (1-) 2-5 (-9) cm long. Leaf-blade broadly ovate, 5-17 (-25) x 5-13 cm, shortly obtusely or acutely acuminate, rounded-cuneate to cordate, crenate-serrate, 7-11-nerved from the base,. sparingly pubescent above and beneath at first, especially along the midrib and main veins, later subglabrescent, often copper- or bronze-coloured, sometimes white- or pink-margined (var. marginata Mill.) or variegated. Stipules subulate, 1-1.5 cm long. Inflorescences axillary, solitary, unisexual, spicate; the males up to 7 cm long, fairly dense-flowered, with a pubescent axis and lanceolate bracts c. 1 mm long; the females up to 12 cm long, lax-flowered, with a puberulous axis; female bracts 7-13-partite, the median lobe broadly ovate and accrescent to 5 mm long and 3 mm wide, the laterals smaller and narrower, 1-flowered. Male flowers sessile; buds tetragonal, pubescent. Female flowers sessile; sepals 3-4, ovate-lanceolate, 1 mm long, acute; ovary subglobose-trilobate, 1 mm diam, densely pubescent; styles united at the base, (5-) 7-9 mm long, laciniate, yellowish-or greenish-white, occasionally reddish. Fruits trilobate, 1.5-2 mm long, 4 mm diam., smooth, pubescent.