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Dalechampia friedrichsthalii Müll. Arg. Search in The Plant ListSearch in IPNISearch in Australian Plant Name IndexSearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in Muséum national d'Histoire naturelleSearch in Type Specimen Register of the U.S. National HerbariumSearch in Virtual Herbaria AustriaSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 3/20/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 3/20/2013)
Species Dalechampia friedrichsthalii Muell.-Arg.
PlaceOfPublication Flora 55: 45, 1872
Reference Pax & Hoffm., Pflanzenreich 68 (IV, 147, XII): 52, 1919.
Description Climbing vine; stems ca 2-2.5 mm thick, terete, minutely pubescent and also sparsely hirsute. Leaves alternate; stipules reflexed, lanceolate, acuminate, striate, minutely pubescent and ciliate, 8-12 mm long; petiole pubescent as the stem, 5.5-9.5 cm long; stipels lanceolate, pubescent, glandular at base, 1.8-3 mm long; blades chartaceous, ovate, abruptly short-acuminate, deeply cordate at base (basal lobes overlapping), sometimes with a prominent tooth 3-5 mm long on one side, sparsely hirsute above, closely and minutely puberulous beneath, 7-14 cm long, 5-10 cm broad, the margins subentire (finely and inconspicuously dentate), the veins and veinlets very prominently raised beneath. Inflorescences axillary and solitary to leaves on the main stem, the involucre terminating a peduncle-like branch 7.5-10 cm long; leaf at base of peduncle with caducous blade, represented only by stipules; true peduncle only 1-2 cm long, hirsute above. Involucral bracts evidently pale at anthesis, ovate, shallowly 3-lobed at the tip, the middle lobe cuspidate-acuminate, ca 8-9 mm long, the blade becoming ca 3 cm long, margins lacerate, minutely pubescent and also hispid (especially on veins and lobes), 5-veined at the base and contracted into a thick petiole ca 1.5-2 mm long; stipules subequal, pubescent and hispid-ciliate, 12-13 mm long, 3.5-5 mm broad. Pistil- late cymule with 2 adaxial bractlets, discrete, asymmetrically obovate, obscurely toothed, 5-5.5 mm long, the margins hispid-ciliate but not glandular; abaxial bractlet broadly ovate-reniform, ca 4.5 mm long, over 6 mm broad, crenate-toothed, pubescent as the adaxial bractlets. Staminate cymule with peduncle stout, min- utely pubescent, ca 1.5-2 mm long; involucel of 4 distinct, broadly imbricate, firmly chartaceous concave bracts, each ca 4-5 mm high and 7-8 mm broad; dc flowers ca 10; ceriferous bractlets conspicuously fimbriate distally. Staminate flowers with pedicels 2-3 mm long, hispidulous, articulate near the top; buds ca 1.5-2.5 mm in diam; sepals 4 or 5; stamens (18-)25-33, the staminal column 1.3-2 mm long, hispidulous. Pistillate flowers with sepals 5-8, ovate-oblong, lacerate- fimbriate (but rachis broader than lobes), densely pubescent, 1.7-2.2 mm long at anthesis; ovary deeply 3-lobed, minutely short-hispidulous, the style slender, antrorsely minutely hispidulous below, 9.5-10 mm long, slightly dilated distally into a concave stigma 1-1.2 mm across. Capsules with cocci (ex Pax & Hoffmann) 8 mm long; seeds ca 4 mm across, slightly ruguloise, mottled.
Habit vine
Distribution Known only from two collections, one in Costa Rica, incorrectly cited as Guatemala by Mueller, the other the Panamanian collection cited below.
Specimen COLON: Rio Fato, Pittier 3866 (GH, NY, US).
Note This evidently rare species also belongs in sect. Dioscoreifolieae and is ob- viously related to D. dioscoreifolia, but not closely so. The much longer hy- popodium, more short-petiolate involucral bracts, and longer styles with smaller stigmas clearly set D. friedrichsthalii apart.
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