(Last Modified On 3/20/2013)
(Last Modified On 3/20/2013)
Euphorbia dwyeri Burch
Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 54: 182, fig. 1, 1967.
Herb, stems terete, glabrous, not articulate, sparingly branched, sprawling, to 1.5 m long. Leaves alternate through most of plant, opposite above a 3-leaved whorl; stipules obsolete; petiole 2.5-6 cm long, slender; blade ovate-lanceolate, 3.5-6 X 2-3.5 cm, thin, green (drying darker above than below), glabrous except for scattered short hairs on the under surface, the base cuneate to rounded, some- times obscurely peltate, the margin entire, the apex obtuse to rounded or emarginate and mucronulate. Cyathia in groups of 2-5 on short dichotomizing laterals, fun- nelform-campanulate, 2 mm long, 2 mm in diam; peduncle to 4 mm long; glands 4, dark, the appendages equaling glands and with short spreading hairs on upper surface simulating a ciliate edge to the gland, occasionally glabrous. Capsule broadly ovoid, 4 X 4 mm, glabrous; seed ovoid, 3 mm long, smooth, terete, ecarunculate.
Known only from the type collection from a trail to the lower edge of a cloud forest
5000-5800 ft.
CHnUQUI: Cerro Horqueta, NW of Boquete, Dwyer et al. 434 (holotype MO; isotypes GH, K, US).
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